High school leaving exam in Tuscany, the day of the second test for 30 thousand students

High school leaving exam in Tuscany, the day of the second test for 30 thousand students
High school leaving exam in Tuscany, the day of the second test for 30 thousand students

Florence, 20 June 2024 – And after the Beforetoday 29,500 children return to school in Tuscany to face the second test of the final exam with the subjects that characterize the course of study (Greek to classical, mathematics to scientific). An interview is then scheduled with the aim of ascertaining the achievement of the educational, cultural and professional profile of each candidate.

Students in front of the Galileo high school in Florence for the final exam (Photo New Press Photo)

The first test

These are the tracks released for the first test: Rita Levi Montalcini with the Praise of Imperfection, Ungaretti with “Pellegrinaggio” which is part of the Allegria collection. Pirandello with “Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio operator”. Then a text taken from the historian Giuseppe Galasso “History of Europe” invites graduates to reflect on the use of the atomic bomb. A text taken from Maurizio Caminito “Selfie and blog profiles” of 2014 invites graduates to reflect on the importance and meaning of the diary in the digital age; and again “Rediscovering silence” by the journalist Nicoletta Polla Mattiot. The track about the author Maria Agostina Cabiddufocuses on the “value of artistic and cultural heritage” with a text published in the Journal of the Italian Association of Constitutionalists.

Data in Italy

According to Ministry data this year they are 526,317 students were involved in tests (512,530 internal and 13,787 external candidates), while there are 14,072 commissions, for a total of 28,038 classes. Most go to high school: 266,057. This is followed by technical institutes (172,504) and professional ones (87,756).

Those not admitted

If in Sardinia the rate of those not admitted to the final exam is 7.4% of the total (compared to a national average of 3.6%), only Valle D’Aosta is at 4.9% and Liguria (4.8%) have more not admitted from Tuscany (4.2%).

The commissions

The commissions are composed by an external president, three external members and three internal members of the school. There is a search engine from the Ministry of Education that allows you to easily find the composition of the exam commission: this is the link.

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