Autonomy is law bill, criticism from southern governors. Schlein: ‘Meloni splits the country’

After a long nocturnal marathon in the Chamber, this morning the second and definitive yes to the Autonomy bill arrived. The Montecitorio Chamber approved the measure with 172 votes in favour, 99 votes against and 1 abstention. Numerous reactions from the political world (and beyond). The new law on differentiated autonomy does not please the president of Calabria Occhiuto, strong doubts of his FI colleague and governor of Basilicata Bardi. While the governor of Lombardy Fontana, of the League, anticipates the requests of his Region for exclusive jurisdiction in matters of health and the environment. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party announces that it is ready to collect signatures to propose a referendum against the law that it defines as “breaking Italy”, “with the other oppositions, movements and civil society”. ‘Italy is no longer just and strong , but at risk”, states the president of Campania De Luca. The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, hopes that autonomy “does not create further imbalances and is implemented in such a way as not to create further differentiations”.

The satisfaction of the League, from Calderoli and Zaia

“My legs tremble with emotion when I say it. Today’s approval is the culmination of years and years of political battles of the League, within the institutions and in the streets together with the militants, with a vote that writes a page of history for the whole country”, writes the Minister of Autonomy, Roberto Calderoli. The president of Veneto, Luca Zaia, comments on social media: “Autonomy is law. Today the history of this country has been made, it is the dawn of a historic day”. The secretary of the League Matteo Salvini published a post on Instagram entitled “A historic day, autonomy is law” and wrote: “For a more efficient and more modern Italy, with less waste and more services to all citizens, from North to South: after many years of battles and commitment, despite the lies and attacks of the left, thanks to the League and the government the Autonomy requested by millions of Italians has been approved”.

Meloni: “With Autonomy, no more welfare in the South”

“More autonomy, more cohesion, more subsidiarity. Here are the three cornerstones of the bill on differentiated autonomy approved in the Chamber”, wrote Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on X. “A step forward to build a stronger and fairer Italy , overcome the differences that exist today between the different territories of the nation and guarantee the same qualitative and quantitative levels of performance across the entire territory”. During the day he added: “We chose from the first moment to commit ourselves to a stronger and fairer, ensuring more autonomy, more cohesion and more subsidiarity, which represent the cornerstones of the bill on differentiated autonomy, i.e. the exact opposite of the logic of the past focused on purely welfare policies, especially in the South”.

Attilio Fontana: health and environment safe demands

For the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, the fact that the Chamber of Deputies has definitively approved the bill on differentiated autonomy is “exceptional news for Lombardy and for the Lombards who, seven years ago, with a referendum, had clearly and clearly expressed the desire to go in that direction”. “With autonomy we will have more skills in various subjects and we will be able to confirm our administrative capacity, making our region even stronger. We can say that the Constitution has won, Italy has won.” And he adds that “as soon as the law is promulgated we are ready to send requests to the government. Certainly for two important subjects: health and environment” and then on some others.

see also

Dl autonomy, ok from the Chamber with 172 yes. The reform is law

The doubts of the center-right governors of the South

But skeptical voices also come from the center-right. Roberto Occhiuto, president of Calabria, said: “I don’t know if the minimal electoral advantages that the center-right will have in the North will compensate for the opposition and concerns that the center-right voters have in the South. This rule needed to be further explored and the discussion had to take place in a calm manner: I understand the reasons of the Calabrian deputies of Forza Italia – Francesco Cannizzaro, Giuseppe Mangialavori and Giovanni Arruzzolo – who decided not to vote for this law. It was their choice, which I agree with mistake, which he will soon realize”. Even the president of the Basilicata Region, Vito Bardi (Forza Italia) is doubtful: “We continue to maintain” that differentiated autonomy “cannot fail to have an intervention as a factor in rebalancing the territories on reducing infrastructure gaps. We also share the doubts already expressed by some exponents of Forza Italia, such as the Calabrian governor, Occhiuto, regarding the acceleration that was sought to be given to the legislative process, when the provision could have been further improved”.

Pd announces collection of signatures for referendum against splitting Italy

“The Democratic Party, together with the other oppositions, movements and civil society, is ready to immediately collect signatures for a referendum against the Split Italy movement”, said the leader of the Democratic group in the Senate Francesco Boccia, who already in the Chamber, addressing the majority, he had announced: “You leave us no other option for collecting signatures for a referendum which will certainly reject the measure”. The secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein adds on Instagram: “They kept us in Parliament all night just to approve the Differentiated Autonomy and brandish the scalp of the South before the ballots. And so Brothers of Italy bows to the ancient secessionist dream of Lega. I would suggest that at this point they change the name to Brandelli d’Italia. Or Brothers of half of Italy, since they are splitting it in two. We will continue to fight against differentiated autonomy and the premiership together with the other oppositions”. and Italia Viva have already announced that they will participate in collecting signatures for the referendum against the differentiated autonomy reform.

see also

The differentiated autonomy of the Regions is law, what does it provide

De Luca: Italy is no longer fair and strong but it is at risk

“No, it is not a fairer Italy nor a stronger Italy, it is an Italy at risk”, said the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, commenting on the words with which Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni defined the country after the autonomy approved this night. “The Government – said De Luca – was in a hurry tonight, as you know they suffer from insomnia. They didn’t know what to do tonight and they passed this decree.”

The words of Zuppi and Parolin

In addition to the political world, the words of Vatican officials also arrived. Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, president of the CEI, said: “If we want them to last (the reforms ed.) they must have everyone’s involvement, we all try to do everything possible to make it so”, and “we have made a document on differentiated autonomy Official, we said what we had to say, it’s clear that they didn’t take us seriously, what should we do?”. The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, responding to journalists on the sidelines of an event in the Senate, said instead said: “Everything that helps to grow solidarity is good and therefore differentiated autonomy is implemented in such a way as not to create further imbalances, further differentiations and inequalities between one part of Italy and another”. which, like the Holy See, however, does not have “specific competence” to intervene on issues of Italian politics.


see also

Fratoianni (Avs): “Oppositions work against the premiership and autonomy”


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