Mutilated and abandoned, the young Indian laborer dies in Latina – Current affairs

Mutilated and abandoned, the young Indian laborer dies in Latina – Current affairs
Mutilated and abandoned, the young Indian laborer dies in Latina – Current affairs

LATINA. The thirty-one-year-old of Indian origin Satnam Singh, who on Monday afternoon was involved in a terrible accident at work on a farm in Borgo Santa Maria, on the outskirts of Latina, where he lost his arm in a machine, did not make it. roller plastic wrapping machine towed by a tractor, which had also crushed his lower limbs.

The man, instead of being rescued, was abandoned in front of his home with the severed arm, resting on a box used for harvesting vegetables.

After being urgently transported by air ambulance to the San Camillo hospital in Rome, where he was hospitalized with a reserved prognosis in serious conditions, the thirty-one year old died this morning in the Roman hospital.

“The launch press conference of the Flai CGIL national campaign ‘Rights in the field’ was underway this morning in Borgo Hermada, in the heart of the Agro Pontino, which will take place in the coming months starting from Latina on Monday 24th, when the dramatic news of the death of Satnam Singh”.

We read it in a note from the union. “It’s news that we hoped wouldn’t arrive until the very end – he declares Silvia Guaraldi, national secretary of Flai CGIL, present at the press conference – an absurd death, which occurred in an abominable context of exploitation and total lack of humanity and respect for life. First of all, we cling to his wife who is still in shock over what happened, and we ask that justice be done for this intolerable horror.

With even more conviction we will start with the ‘Rights in the Field’ campaign with our ‘Labour Brigades’ ready to preside over the territory and give support and voice to the many, too many workers and the many, too many workers who break their backs to bring food to the tables of Italians without even having respect for their dignity in return.

In the next few hours we will define a mobilization in support of the protection of the rights of workers in the fields so that horrors like these never happen again.

As Flai Cgil for over 15 years we are on the front line in the fight against gangmastering, often unheard, derided or even accused of catastrophism. We will continue our fight for the dignity of work and against exploitation so that the plague of gangmastering is eradicated.”

“As the Democratic Party we are close to Satnam Singh’s wife and all his loved ones, aware that the profound pain of separation is associated with the dramatic awareness of the double violence suffered. The violence of the conditions in which Singh was forced to work were certainly not suitable to protect him from the risk of accidents.

The atrocious violence of those who preferred to try to hide their responsibilities to giving aid to this young worker, inevitably compromising his chances of survival. Singh’s death, for which we demand truth and justice, will be a further spur for us, not only to fight the cancer of gangmastering with determination, but also to demand a tireless collective commitment to combat the agromafia of the province of Latina” , writes Cecilia Guerra, head of work in the PD secretariat, in a note.

“Yesterday I asked Ministers Calderone and Urso for urgent information on the state of gangmastering in Italy. I asked after the barbarity of Cisterna di Latina. A laborer whose limb was torn off by agricultural machinery, thrown into the street by the master and corporal. Today that 31-year-old boy died, after being admitted to San Camillo in Rome too late to save him. News I didn’t want to hear. Of course, those responsible for this horrible murder must be prosecuted and punished.

But we want the government to decide, once and for all, to overturn this system of exploitation, violence and inhumanity. And this is done by freeing workers from blackmail, dismantling the chains of contracts and subcontracts, attacking gangmastering in all its forms, guaranteeing fair wages and allowing foreign people to live regularly in our country. I would like to hug that man’s wife and all his companions. You can’t die like this,” he declares the deputy group leader of the Green Left Alliance in the Chamber Marco Grimaldi

It is unacceptable that, in an emergency context, Satnam Singh was not guaranteed relief immediate and adequate, but was dumped outside his home, deprived of the dignity that every human being deserves”, states the undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy, Sandra Savinowhich in a note expresses “deep pain and dismay at the tragic death” of the young Indian laborer, who was seriously injured in an accident at work in the Latina countryside.

“My thoughts and most sincere condolences go to his family and loved ones in this moment of great suffering. His story – adds Savino – is not just a personal drama, but a signal alarming of the conditions in which agricultural workers in our country too often find themselves working”.

“Everyone must express a firm condemnation of any form of exploitation and negligence that leads to similar tragedies. It is our duty – he concludes – to guarantee safe and dignified working conditions for all workers, without exceptions”.

“The death of the Indian agricultural worker who suffered a very serious accident in the Latina countryside and who was then abandoned in very serious conditions causes great pain. He was the victim of a true act of barbarism that must be prosecuted in all places. In addition to expressing my condolences and those of the government, I also express our commitment to providing the widest possible assistance to the authorities, as we have been doing since the first hours to ascertain the facts and ensure that those who committed them are punished”, says the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Calderone, at question time.

“Episodes of this kind must lead institutions to be even more incisive in combating undeclared work and in promoting a modern work culture, with a view to guaranteeing dignified conditions”, he remarks.

[foto archivio Ansa]

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