Clash on the boards of directors of subsidiaries in the Council in Foggia. The appointments are postponed to July

Clash on the boards of directors of subsidiaries in the Council in Foggia. The appointments are postponed to July
Clash on the boards of directors of subsidiaries in the Council in Foggia. The appointments are postponed to July

Nothing in fact either for the municipal companies or for the Single Contracting Station for a municipal council wrapped up on the issue of the number of members of the boards of directors of the subsidiaries of the Municipality of Foggia. Around 1.30 pm there was no quorum, after tempers had become quite heated with the opposition and also in the majority groups, in particular among the Emilianists Pasquale Ciruolo And Antonio Pio Mancini.

Although the mayor Maria Aida Episcopo has expressly said that he wants to bring the Board of Directors back from 3 members to 5 members, there is no shortage of elected representatives in the broad progressive camp who prefer not to vote on a resolution that crystallizes a decision of this kind, which is unpopular and controversial from the point of view of spending review. Precisely for this reason the coalition decided to give a mandate to the mayor alone as representative of the shareholders’ meeting of the subsidiaries (which have the sole public shareholder in the Municipality of Foggia) for the modification of the regulation, without going through the Council resolution.

However, many doubts remained. Is it possible, for example, to increase the number of members of the Board of Directors without going through a vote at the meeting?

More than one elected official has hesitations. “With Mongelli we decided for the transition to sole director, today I would have problems stating things so far from that choice”, admits a doyen.

Well, the appointments of the Board of Directors, for which the list of 200 suitable for the positions has been ready for some time, should take place after 30 June, the natural expiry date of the office of the sole directors indicated by the prefectural commissioners. Faced with the resigning administrator of Amgas, there are those like the current administrator of Ataf who have chosen to stay in the public transport company until the last day, effectively preventing the governance of the companies from being linked to the political action of the elected administration.

The subsidiaries are not currently conducted in an optimal manner. Why do we have races with vehicles that catch fire? There is a guideline which, compared to the current condition, cannot make us waste any more time”, thundered the southerner Pasquale Cataneoalways very critical with the wide field.

On the adaptation to the regulatory provisions of the Consolidated Law on publicly held companies, the branch councilor David Emanuele he explained that 3 distinct acts are currently in force, the internal control regulation of 2013, a resolution of April 2015 – number 50 – with which the then Landella administration went from the sole director to the 3-member board of directors and the ‘act of 2022 with a regulation for the exercise of similar control.

The company statutes have been amended and have implemented the legislative provisions of the decree. The similar control as an act of direction is regulated with a production of documents never exercised in recent years. No ex lege adjustments, this act is used for you to duplicate the loaves and fishes. You are preparing to push the city back into the pre-disaster abyss. I am surprised that you are placing the administration faced with a weakness of the assembly’s lack of will. Complete the documents, let’s talk about corporate law and not about little parties in Borgo Croci. As regrettable as it is to put the circus of public-owned companies back into circulation, if you want to increase the members, do it but do it legitimately”, was the summary of the long speeches of Giuseppe Mainiero, which put the stability of the majority to the test. All the oppositions, led by Claudio Amorese and Raffaele Di Mauro.

Meanwhile, the first cracks are emerging in the progressive broad camp. And not just in relation to some discontent over small public works that have been blocked. Today the two socialist councilors Mino Di Chiara and Stefania Rignanese they only attended the roll call, and then left the room.

In a coalition meeting, the other parties did not recognize the requests of Mino Di Chiara, who would request a department in the council. Having lost a representative, Action could no longer have two departments, according to the Carnation group leader.

They don’t want to recognize us as a group, we have an appointment with the political secretariat which will be followed by our position statement. None of us asked for Frattarolo’s head, we asked for dignity from the group. They didn’t want to acknowledge anything to us. It seems clear that Azione cannot have two councilors and two positions in the Board of Directors with two councillors. There are many critical issues that we expressed to the mayor,” Di Chiara explains to l’Immediato.

According to more than one elected representative, some individuals have been mortified. Starting with the doctor Carmen Russonow working in Foggia and no longer specializing in Rome, before the non-elected members of Action, and Pino Lonigro.

The rift could be healed with the appointment of Luigi Iorio to the presidency of a subsidiary and the vice-presidency of Russo.

In the Democratic Party, however, things should be clear. In the Board of Directors, priority will be given to those who have had the most preferences on the list. And so: Sandrino Brescia, Gianluca Ruotolo and Titti Augelli, current private secretary of the president of the Province Giuseppe Nobiletti, much appreciated and given in pole position for an important box.

The idea of ​​preserving a share of the representation of the Board of Directors to the oppositions seems inapplicable, even though they had indicated some area technicians for the public notice. “There’s no straw for our teasing, we can’t think about minorities,” jokes the dem Italo Pontone.

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