Hymns to the Duce and Nazi greetings, Minister Ciriani defends Gioventù Nazionale and attacks the newspapers: ‘Decontextualized videos. Show yourself minors’

Hymns to the Duce and Nazi greetings, Minister Ciriani defends Gioventù Nazionale and attacks the newspapers: ‘Decontextualized videos. Show yourself minors’
Hymns to the Duce and Nazi greetings, Minister Ciriani defends Gioventù Nazionale and attacks the newspapers: ‘Decontextualized videos. Show yourself minors’

They are “fragmented images, decontextualized and resumed in a private sphere“. With these words the Minister for Relations with Parliament and exponent of the Brothers of Italy, Luca Cirianihe responded during the question time to the House regarding the investigation of Fanpage which reveals the continua references to fascism inside National Youththe youth organization of Brothers of Italy in which the new ruling class of the party grows Giorgia Meloni. A defense that focuses on the fact that, according to the minister, the videos with arms outstretched, fascist songs, hymns to the Duce And Sieg Heil are only sporadic episodes. The newspapers, he adds, have “recovered minors and they spread the images without obtaining prior consent.”

Ciriani contests the investigative methods of the newspaper, stating that these are “modalities that are sometimes proposed in public debate and in communications via social media with the risk of conveying questionable reconstructions of facts, to lend themselves to easy exploitations and to contagious forms of intoxication of democratic confrontation“. For this reason, he adds, “I leave the evaluations regarding the use of these methods on a journalistic level to the sensitivity of each individual, but I cannot fail to point out that the episodes resulting from that narrative cannot automatically be translated on a legal level”.

To maintain that there is nothing wrong with the ideologies, composition and behavior of the youth formation of FdI, the minister then adds that “the National Youth movement has never been reported for attacks on left-wing collectives, nor has it ever publicly displayed banners with extremist slogans or references to fascism and Nazism. Much less has he ever shown any attitude that hinders journalists.” Ciriani therefore aims to argue that what is shown by Fanpage it only happens in private circumstancesaway from cameras and public environments, although we cannot deny that, instead, precisely in the private sphere, the glorification of fascism and, in some cases, Nazism in different forms dominates.

The journalistic report “tends to accredit possible intentions on the part of National Youth members to obtain financing, with public funds, from the Universal Civil Service. In this regard, on the basis of the elements provided by the competent Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, I specify that, to date, no association linked to political parties or movements is active in the management of projects within the Civil service“, clarifies the deputy. Who then concludes: “Those of the Civil Service are procedures that guarantee the maximum transparency and full correctness in the use of public resources and which are assisted, by the competent Department, by a series of controls, both administrative and inspection, with regard to the proposing bodies, both public and private social, so that the accreditation requirements are respected and, with respect to the projects, to ensure that the activities carried out comply with the principles and objectives of the Civil Service. So no tricks to use the state Civil Service program as funding.”

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