Florence, Rome and Agrigento: here’s what these 3 excellent tourist cities have in common

Florence, Rome and Agrigento: here’s what these 3 excellent tourist cities have in common
Florence, Rome and Agrigento: here’s what these 3 excellent tourist cities have in common

Italy is a destination for tourists from all over the world. Among the many cities of art, some have particular attractions. Let’s see what can link the Capital to other beautiful locations.

The amazement that can be seen on the faces of those who visit our country makes us proud. We know well that Italy contains, like a treasure chest, many treasures of unparalleled value and beauty.

Florence, Rome and Agrigento: here’s what they have in common

Among the wonderful Italian cities rich in artistic excellence there is Florence. The tourist who goes there on holiday is usually enchanted by admiring Michelangelo’s David. The famous artist wanted to sculpt the moment in which David concentrates his mind and strength before throwing the stone at Goliath. The look and the muscular tension continue to arouse interest. However, perhaps some are unaware that the beautiful sculpture found in the open air in Piazza della Signoria is a copy of the original. According to the plans, this was to adorn a buttress of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore. Later it was decided to display it to the public on land in 1504. Over time this led to various problems related to bad weather and other things. Only in 1872 was the statue of David moved to the Accademia Gallery. In 1910, however, a copy of him was placed in the aforementioned Piazza della Signoria. A similar story concerned a magnificent statue in Rome.

Marcus Aurelius

Those visiting the Eternal City could choose to go to the Capitoline Hill. Here is the headquarters of the Municipality of Rome Capital and welcoming us in the center of the square in front is the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius. This is the depiction of the emperor sitting on horseback and with one arm raised. Perhaps it was a sign of command or leniency. The monument dates back to the 2nd century. d. C. Even in this case a copy of the original is visible on the outside. This bronze and gold one is found in the Capitoline Museums. The reproduction was created in 1997. Agrigento is famous above all for the Valley of the Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here the ruins of the Temple of Juno and the magnificent Temple of Concordia stand out above all.

The Telamones of the Valley of the Temples

Other ancient remains can be seen, including those of the majestic Temple of Olympian Zeus. Unfortunately it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1400 and part of the ruins were used for the construction of the Porto Empedocle pier. According to experts, the Telamones had a more decorative than structural role in that temple. These are anthropomorphic figures that recalled the Titans of Greek mythology. In the Pietro Griffo Museum there are remains of the 38 Telamones that adorned the Olympeion and the vertical reconstruction of one of them. In the Valley of the Temples there is a copy lying on the ground. For a few months it has been possible to see another one. It would be a Telamon placed vertically, supported by a Cor-Ten steel structure and largely rebuilt with blocks found in the archaeological site. Florence, Rome and Agrigento: this is what they have in common, copies of valuable sculptures from ancient times.

(ed. Article written for informational purposes only)

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