Pesaro, fibromyalgia on the rise. How to best deal with it

Pesaro, fibromyalgia on the rise. How to best deal with it
Pesaro, fibromyalgia on the rise. How to best deal with it

Fibromyalgia on the rise, here’s how to best deal with it

Saturday initiative by CNA and Auser with the patronage of the Marche Region at the Hotel Charlie. A parterre of qualified specialists to help manage the disease on a daily basis

Fibromyalgia, a disease that affects thousands of people every year (mainly women), and which causes widespread and intense pain involving muscles, tendons and ligaments; increased muscle tension and stiffness in numerous locations of the musculoskeletal system; as well as chronic fatigue, is on the rise. There are more and more cases diagnosed in the Marche region and in the provinces of Pesaro and Urbino.

About this pathology and what to do to reduce its disabling effects, CNA Wellbeing and Healthcarein collaboration with Le Ali di Auser Odvì and with the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of the Marche Region, organized a conference to Saturday 22 June starting at 9.30 am at the Hotel Charlie in Viale Trieste in Pesaro entitled “Fibromyalgia, what can we do”?.

“It’s about – says the president of CNA Wellbeing and Healthcare of Pesaro and Urbino, Carla Mascitelli – of an initiative that aims to provide concrete help through authoritative specialists to try to combat the causes and effects of an increasingly widespread disease which has a devastating impact on the lives of many women”. The day will be divided into two parts. A conference on pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques and therapies to approach the disease in a conscious way and a second part with a mindfullness workshop. Coaching tools to help manage the disease on a daily basis and implement good health habits.”

The parterre of speakers on the day was particularly large and qualified.

In fact, the doctor will intervene Corinne Pellegrini, medical surgeon specialized in dietary nutrition and clinical ultrasound; doctor Andrea Boni, kinesiologist and massophysiotherapist; the psychotherapist Alessandra Politi; the naturopath Silvia Gambini and the coach and image consultant Maria Grazia De Cesaris.

At the meeting, which will be introduced by the provincial president Auser Massimo Ciabocchi and from Carla Mascitelli will also see the contribution of the singing teacherPaola Urbinati and the testimony of Luana Chiappettathe mayor will participate Andrea Biancanithe regional councilors Micaela Vitri and the president of the Health Commission of the Marche Region, Nicola Baiocchi. The presence of Luca Pieri, Daniele Vimini, Luca Pandolfi and Romina Dominici.

For info and reservations: [email protected] telephone: 3201941895

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