“Birarelli” still remains a mystery

Maximum collaboration with the municipal council to reopen the Roman Amphitheater after twelve years, but in the meantime the Birarelli car park remains a mystery. On the one hand, the sole Superintendence of the Marche region is finally reaching out to the Doric administration, after years of inaction, on projects to be shared, but everything is at a standstill regarding the future of the truly strategic area, right in front of the archaeological site. For months the large area has been closed, sealed and deserted. Last autumn, a decision by the superintendent, Cecilia Carlorosi, finally put an end to a situation bordering on illegal construction. That car park, used for free for years without any safety regime, was closed and Carlorosi announced the start of extraordinary maintenance which had the flavor of in-depth recovery work on the area. The same one that a few months earlier had been defined as ‘illegal’, rightly, by the councilor for public works Stefano Tombolini. Hence the beginning of the construction site, which continued for some time. A couple of vehicles abandoned for years in there were also recovered. For months, however, no leaf has moved within that area. With the beautiful initiative of the summer program at the Amphitheater the ‘Birarelli’ could also have played a key role. We tried for a long time to ask the superintendence for clarification on the issue, but no response was received from the Senate Palace.


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