all the details for tomorrow Thursday 20 June

Thursday 20 June in Teramo promises a day with weather conditions variegated. The morning and afternoon will be characterized by scattered clouds, with cloud cover that will vary between 45% and 59%. Temperatures will remain high, with values ​​reaching i 34.4°C around 12:00. The perception of the temperature will be slightly higher, reaching around 34.8°C.

In the afternoon, starting at 1pm, the sky will become overcast, leading to cloud cover of 96%. Temperatures will remain high, with values ​​around 34.7°C. The perception of the temperature will be slightly higher, reaching 35.3°C. The presence of winds coming from the East – North East could lead to light gusts.

In the late afternoon and evening, the weather situation in Teramo could change. In fact, the possibility of light rain around 5pm, with cloud cover of86%. Temperatures will tend to decrease, settling around 28.1°C. The perception of the temperature, however, will be higher, around 30.4°C.

The forecast for the evening indicates a decrease in cloud cover, with values ​​around89%. Temperatures will remain milder, with values ​​hovering around 24.5°C. The perception of the temperature will be similar, remaining around 24.8°C. Winds coming from the West – South West could blow slightly.

Based on the weather situation wait for Thursday 20 June in Teramo, it is advisable to pay attention to changes in weather conditions and to be prepared for possible precipitation during the day. Temperatures will remain high, but may decrease as rain arrives in the late afternoon. Stay updated on the weather forecast for the next few days in Teramo to better plan your outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Thursday 20 June in Teramo

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