The first step has been completed: the collection of subscriptions on the La Lombardia SiCura petition

Petition on Lombardy healthcare: Friday 21 June Press Conference of the “La Lombardia SiCura” Committee


Milan, 18 June 2024. The results of the collection of signatures for the petition on health and healthcare in Lombardy and the next initiatives: this will be discussed in the Press Conference on Friday 21 June, at 11.30 am, in the rooms on the 14th floor of the Pirellone in via Filzi 22convened by the “La Lombardia SiCura” Committee, after the deposit of signatures to the regional protocol scheduled for 10.30 am.

The reasons for the petition, launched on March 1st and concluded on June 10th, which saw widespread mobilization in all the territories of Lombardy, will be illustrated by the representatives of the Committee: Marco Caldiroli Democratic Medicine, Vittorio Agnoletto Health Observatory, Massimo Cortesi Arci Lombardy, Monica Vangi secretary CGIL Lombardy, Federica Trapletti SPI CGIL Lombardia e Andrea Villa ACLI Milan.

Dozens of associations, committees and political forces throughout the region have joined “La Lombardia SiCura”, the activation of self-organised local entities that have identified themselves in the contents of the petition has been particularly numerous and widespread, such as to also represent specific problems locals.

We remember that the key points of the petition there were 5: 1. Single Reservation Centre; 2. Reduction of waiting lists; 3. Coin-operated doctors (not employees); 4. Health Care Residences and the elderly; 5. Territorial Services.

If you are unable to participate in person, you can follow the press conference online at the link:

Communication of names is welcome.

For press office information:

Elena Peracchi (Spi Cgil Lombardia) 328 567 8565

Laura Messina (CGIL Lombardy) 3421309533

Carmìna Conte (Democratic Medicine) 3931377616

Tiziana Altea (FP Cgil Lombardia) 335 150 0950

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