Madness in Venice Lido. They offer drinks to some girls at the end of year party, the boyfriends go berserk and beat the students to death

Madness in Venice Lido. They offer drinks to some girls at the end of year party, the boyfriends go berserk and beat the students to death
Madness in Venice Lido. They offer drinks to some girls at the end of year party, the boyfriends go berserk and beat the students to death

VENICE LIDO – About twenty boys lashed out at five others, beating them savagely with kicks in the face and punches. Unfortunately, the end of academic year party will be remembered for a long time, and certainly not in positive terms, by the five students of the university faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Unicamillus, the university which for the first year, since last December, has opened a branch secondary at the Lido of Venice with an operational base at San Camillo. The group of university students, all aged between 19 and 20, were victims of a brutal attack on the Lido.


The party to celebrate the end of the courses in view of the upcoming exams, and consequently also the beginning of the summer, had been organized independently by the students and not by the university. An occasion for which, last Saturday, the boys rented a part of the “Sabia Venice” venue in Piazzale Ravà in San Nicolò. The intention was simply to spend an evening in company. At a certain point in the evening, one of the students apparently tried to approach some girls, who were also in the club, but in the company of another group of people. A simple exchange of words and an invitation to have a drink together was enough to set off the fuse. According to what one of the attacked boys reported, the latter had not realized that the young women they had tried to approach were in the company of their boyfriends. The reaction of the latter was not long in coming: the first insults flew, then the tension began to rise in an exaggerated way. The students who were attacked reported that they also received harsh racist epithets due to their origins from the South.
There were sparks, but then the episode seemed to be over, thanks also to the timely intervention of the venue’s “security”, which separated the two groups. Some time passed and then, outside the venue, in Piazzale Ravà, the situation degenerated again. The Unicamillus students reported being surrounded and beaten by the other young people, whom they had never seen or known before. Apparently some of them were also very familiar with martial arts. The “settling of scores”, according to a first reconstruction of the facts still in the ascertainment phase, would have taken place in two different phases: first in Piazzale Ravà, on the road, outside the “Sabia”, then in Piazzale Santa Maria Elisabetta, in front of the landing stages Actv, in an area where there should also be closed-circuit cameras in operation which may have filmed the scene.


Here the university students said they were joined by around 7 people, who separated from the initial group of around twenty young people, who got off the ACTV bus and continued the beating. Of the five students attacked, one who fared the worst was beaten and kicked in the face around 4.40am on Sunday morning which, in addition to blows and bruises, caused him to fracture his front teeth. The Lido carabinieri and the ambulance arrived on site. The boy was taken to the first aid station at the former Ospedale al Mare and then to the emergency room.
The episode caused dismay among the people. «Certain things on the Lido, like everywhere, should never happen – underlined the hotelier and entrepreneur Alessandro D’Oria of the Villa Orio Beatrice hotel, who, working at the Alberoni, knows well the reality of Unicamillus and some of the kids attacked – So, in addition to causing injuries to young people, it also ruins the image of our locality.”


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