the Renate passes through the Riviera della Palme

SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO The dream of Ancona’s Under 17 team led by coach Lorenzo Bilò comes to an end in the final, as they fall 2-1 against Renate at the Riviera delle Palme, thus finishing in second place in the Allievi Nazionali category U17 of Serie C. The two teams started off strong already in the first minutes of the first half, giving a good show to those present – only the family members of the players and the members of the two teams were able to watch the match directly from the stadium, given that for reasons of order public the free sale of tickets was inhibited – and to the many fans who attended the match in live streaming, via the Dazn and Vivo Azzurro TV platforms. The first opportunity belongs to Renate with Valerin’s conclusion which, albeit in a confusing way , is repelled by the Doric rearguard. In the following minutes Ancona grows, coming close to taking the lead on at least four occasions – first with Abagnale and Garavalli, then with Carlini and Pepa -. The first half, despite the many chances on both sides, ended with a score of 0-0. At the beginning of the second half, however, here is the episode that condemns Ancona: corner for Renate in the 51st minute of the game, Talozzi comes out badly and the ball ends up on the body of Stagi who reiterates it into the net for the 1-0 of the Lombard team . Renate who, a few minutes later, also comes very close to doubling the lead, but Zermo hits the post, keeping Galeotti and his teammates afloat. Only for a turn of the clock, however, because in the 59th minute Valerin takes a first-time left-footed shot, on Fortunato’s cross cleared by Galeotti, and finds the bottom corner, beating Talozzi. Ancona, who had already overcome the initial deficit in the semi-final against Avellino, first hit the crossbar with Guideri and then managed to close the gap in the 89th minute with Pepa’s shot deflected by Napoli, but this time – also for due to great interventions by the opposing goalkeeper Alfieri in the final – he doesn’t have the strength to accomplish another feat and has to surrender to the Nerazzurri, suffering his first knockout in the entire playoffs. A defeat which, however, must not at all reduce the extraordinary work carried out by Bilò, his staff and the red and white babies, who gave everything they could in the surreal context that the Ancona square is experiencing and who, certainly, have a bright future in front of them.


RENATE (4-4-2): Alfieri; Ornaghi, Naples, Stagi, Oleoni; Zermo (from 20′ st Galimberti), Ferrari (from 29′ st Capozucca), Fortunato (from 33′ st Gornati), Valerin (from 20′ st Cante); Carta (from 33′ st Tessari), Bassani (from 20′ st Nahum). All. Cristiano. Available: Lodi, Mariani, Marnati
ANCONA (3-4-2-1): Talozzi; Parioli, Galeotti, Tranquilli (from 23′ st Montagna); Magini (from 15′ st Altieri), Latini, Schiavoni, Carlini; Pepa, Abagnale (from 23′ st Maraschio); Garavalli (from 15′ st Guideri). Annex Bilò. Available: Ruzzi, Cilla, Bassi, Fazzano, Pierangeli
GOALS 6′ st Stagi (R), 14′ st Valerin (R), 44′ st Pepa (A)

NOTE warnings Fortunato (R), Stagi (R), Valerin (R), corners 3-2, injury time 0′ pt 5′ st


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