News from the world of cross-border workers in a webinar promoted by the Chamber of Commerce

News from the world of cross-border workers in a webinar promoted by the Chamber of Commerce
News from the world of cross-border workers in a webinar promoted by the Chamber of Commerce

There Varese Chamber of Commerce he planned for Friday 21 June (5pm) a webinar to offer a clear and comprehensive picture of the recent news affecting the world of cross-border workers and to illustrate the latest updates to the guidelines relating to this significant area of ​​the labor market in our area.

The online appointment is one of the initiatives promoted by the Varese Chamber of Commerce itself collaboration with the CGIL, CISL and UIL unions to offer updated information to workers who cross the border between Italy and Switzerland every day and who are employed in the Confederation. The webinar will serve in particular to delve into the latest updates and news regarding cross-border travel, with ideas and reflection especially in terms of taxation.

«Even in a context that presents some gray areasas in the case of the loss of trained and qualified personnel which affects our businesses and more generally our social fabric, as a body supporting the local economy we reiterate our commitment so that cross-border exchanges of businesses and workers constitute a concrete development opportunity for the Varese system” says the president of the Varese chamber of commerce, Mauro Vitiello.

«This new appointment – ​​continues Vitiello – takes place in one continuity logic of the meeting cycle which we have been implementing for some time in synergy with trade unions. An information activity that finds rreason precisely in the importance that the world of cross-border workers has for our economy.”

The webinar on June 21st will be introduced by Giacomo Mazzarino (manager of the Varese Chamber of Commerce) who will then leave room for the interventions of Deborah Fish (UIL) e Matteo Pozzoni (CISL), who will present the new guideline sheets available on the web. In particular, Pesce will illustrate the sheet relating to the single allowance, while Pozzoni will illustrate the one on taxation. A debate is planned to follow with the possibility for all participants to ask questions to the speakers.

Registration is free, by booking online on the Varese Chamber of Commerce website, under the heading “Upcoming events”.

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