Public works in Terni: «Notable difficulties for three situations. Now change of course”

18 Jun 2024 1.27pm

The new procurement code, the Pnrr and the 110% superbonus. These are the three main elements brought up by the councilor for public works of the Municipality of Terni, Giovanni Maggi, to provide clarification on the problems linked to the works under development in the city (below the full diagram given to the press). Not the only ones. We write separately about the project for public lighting and stadium-clinic.


Over an hour to take stock of the situation on the amount of work regarding public works in the city which, inevitably, are constantly at the center of citizens’ attention. «There are three situations – began Maggi – which led to difficulties. Since the entry into force of the new procurement code in 2023, it has been an element of complication for technical and administrative management. Then the ‘backlash’ of the 110% superbonus had a heavy impact due to the increases in the price of materials and requests. It’s clear that the private sector is more attractive for businesses.” The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is also involved: «Exacerbation of the procedures, they are terrible for the Pnrr. Continuous stress, but we coped despite the reduction in staff due to retirements. It’s not easy”. Maggi was then keen to underline that «execution times also depend on weather conditions and the variations serve to deal with unforeseen events; they are natural elements and a good Rup is the one that knows how to best manage difficulties. Better to delay for a few months and do the job well rather than be pedantic and slavishly comply with the standard without then improving the work. There is excessive press attention on this.” Then we went into detail.


Could a nod to the past be missing? «It’s not a criticism, but there was a rush for funding – the reference to pre-Bandecchi – and this did not allow for in-depth and shared projects to be carried out. Integrated procurement was used and this entails considerable difficulties when managing the procurement; our technicians are engaged in a careful examination. The work has increased dramatically and unfortunately many works are incomplete”, he pointed out. «We are forced to intervene again as for the school camp (the equipment had not been foreseen), the Ovidio Laureti, the Di Vittorio (focus on changing rooms) and, recently, the municipal library. So many difficulties. Having to plug operational holes from the past has limited our political choices, we must face the principle of administrative continuity.” Just ‘slaps’ at predecessors? Negative. «The project for Piazzale Senio is beautiful, even the playgrounds. But other elements influence us.” Then the explanation on the long list of completed and ongoing activities (in the photos posted alongside). “Our offices have not been stopped and the current workload is extreme.” The difference in funds allocated for flooring was also highlighted.


Runner and Maggi

A lot of changes are coming to Cesi as part of the Pnrr: «It will soon be overturned, it is our intention to be present with a listening point to follow the problems of businesses and citizens. Inconveniences will be inevitable, but sacrifices are necessary. The important thing is that things get done,” added Maggi. With him also the deputy mayor Riccardo Corridore: «There has been a change of direction, discontinuity in the method, in the approach and in the analysis of the problems. Starting projects that have critical issues is useless, we have had to intervene in many situations for this reason. Previously there was a bit of carelessness and we did not activate new mortgages because the municipality’s debt situation was very serious. Now money that was lying ‘abandoned’ in the budget has been used, we have optimized ourselves. The roads were in disastrous conditions, there was a methodological change in this case too.” The 55-year-old lawyer is particularly satisfied with one issue, the 149,000 euro ‘stop-gap’ machine: «The document goes to the council on Thursday, I thank Giorgini and Nannurelli for identifying the machine. It will be operational from September, it is the first municipality to purchase it. After the budget adjustment we will hire another six workers. In this way we will have a team of 14 workers in total. The cost? Vehicle obtained with discounts with my interlocution and at the end of the year most of the problems will be resolved”. Check in a few months. «Now public affairs are managed in a scientific way, we have traced 15 million in the budgets».

Corridor, Nannurelli and Giorgini

Inevitable mention of the Verdi theatre: «We manage a project – Corridore’s words – which we do not share in terms of objectives and relationship with the city. Let’s hope the superintendent arrives and stops everything. Cospea? The underpass will be built, it will take a few more months but it will be done. The company has raised objections and the enforcement of the guarantee is underway. Why hasn’t it been talked about for 18 years?”. Then Maggi spoke again: «On the Green we are expecting the crane soon and there are no variants approved for now. Every day something new comes out, I don’t blame the technicians.” Asbestos first and foremost. For the via Aroldi underpass, work resumed on Monday after waiting for the concrete to cure, for the Cardeto park the ‘barrier’ is arriving on the viale Borzacchini side. A brief mention also of the PalaTerni issue and the sessions: «The management is the responsibility of Salini, we can only request it. He is not stupid. There was a summary management of the original contract, I would never have signed that agreement. Now we have no legal weapons to modify it, it must be consensual.”

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