apparently only in Foligno, Degli Esposti-Lungarotti agreement in Bastia. In Perugia Monni votes for Ferdinandi

The political climate in Umbria is heating up in view of the next ballots which will affect the municipalities of Perugia, Foligno, Bastia Umbra, Gubbio and Orvieto. And while we await the second round of elections on Sunday 23 and Monday 24 June, it is time for connections and endorsements.

The all-female Ferdinandi-Scoccia duel comes to life in the capital. No official resemblance to Perugia but, with a press conference, Massimo Monni announced that Vittoria Ferdinandi will vote in the run-off while the Perugia Merita civic list, third force in the administrative elections of 8 and 9 June with 1.4%, was not related to any of the two candidates.

However, Monni’s statement is not an indication for his supporters who, as he explained on Sunday 16 June, are free to “vote according to their conscience”. “Margherita Scoccia offered me the role of deputy mayor, while Ferdinandi was unable to guarantee me anything – Monni said in the press conference -. I appreciated that Ferdinandi didn’t offer me anything or try to buy me. She is an intelligent and free woman, the best profile for Perugia”. Scoccia immediately denied it: “I can state with absolute certainty that I have never proposed to Mr. Massimo Monni a role as deputy mayor in my municipal council. We met and talked, as my opponent certainly did, but in no case was he offered that seat. This is a communication strategy based on fake news, yet another of this electoral campaign. However, we are certain of the fact that the voters of that list are free to choose and we know, knowing them, that they will certainly not vote for this left” – this is what Margherita Scoccia declared in a note responding to Monni.

No side for Davide Baiocco (0.76%). “I was contacted by both Margherita and Vittoria. Following the principles and values ​​that always guide me in everything I do, I spoke with both – explained Baiocco – as already reiterated during the electoral campaign, I believe it is normal to have convergence in some points of the program, obviously there cannot be alignment and being a person who does not believe in parties and “classical politics”, but in people, effectively proposing myself immediately as an alternative in the sole pure and authentic interest of returning a New Perugia to the citizens, I prefer to leave them free, without any my conditioning, to vote based on their conscience and their feeling of trust, certain that everyone in their heart will feel they are making the right choice for Perugia. My hope is that the best team wins but, even more important than all, I hope that our Perugia wins.”

Different situation a Foligno, the only municipality to register an official affiliation. The La Voce di Foligno list represented by the candidate Moreno Finamonti, who collected 992 votes (3.65%) in the first electoral round, has made official its endorsement of the centre-left candidate Mauro Masciotti. Enrico Presilla, who received 1,625 votes (5.98%), will instead vote for Zuccarini but will remain independent and will not join the government team.

Agreement reached a Bastia Umbra between the civic candidate Catia Degli Esposti and the outgoing centre-right mayor Paola Lungarotti, who will challenge Erigo Pecci of the centre-left in the run-off. “A responsible choice – explains Catia Degli Esposti – developed at the end of a series of discussions with the candidates in the four civic lists of our coalition and with the bastioli who supported us. And then, on the programs and the method, with the center-right parties and with the candidate Paola Lungarotti herself. Interlocutions that led to a thoughtful choice, of responsibility for the love of our city, consistent with my personal political path and that of those who have chosen to share it with me.”

A choice that is not surprising, considering that Degli Esposti’s coalition immediately presented itself as centre-right civic, but which sparked debate among Bastioli citizens given the numerous rags thrown during the electoral campaign between the two candidates. “An inconsistency – according to the opinions of some users and the opposing centre-left candidate Erigo Pecci – demonstrated above all by some candidates in the Catia Degli Esposti lists who, no later than three months ago, had abandoned Paola Lungarotti’s council”.

No relation to Gubbio for the challenge between the mayoral candidates Vittorio Fiorucci, supported by the center-right, and Rocco Girlanda supported by a civic coalition. After 80 years, the centre-left and the left with which there have been contacts but nothing official remain outside.

Same fate as well Orvieto where the outgoing mayor Roberta Tardani and the centre-left candidate Stefano Biagioli will clash.

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