Agrigento. On the eve of the Capital of Culture rags fly in the center-right

Agrigento. On the eve of the Capital of Culture rags fly in the center-right
Agrigento. On the eve of the Capital of Culture rags fly in the center-right

is in crisis today there are even three of its municipal councilors: we are talking about Gioacchino Alfano, Costantino Ciulla and Gerlando Piparo. They are all exponents of Fratelli d’Italia. Who signed a note together with their council group leader Simone Gramaglia and the city secretary of Giorgia Meloni’s party Adriano Barba.

For the signatories of the document, the rejection of the three-year public works plan during yesterday’s council work was a sort of straw that broke a long-filled vase’s back, generating what today Melonians do not hesitate to define as “a shattered majority But enough is enough – they warn – this situation can no longer be ignored either by the administration or the mayor, who must urgently address the now evident political crisis”.

Alfano, Ciulla, Piparo, Barba and Gramaglia speak of “a moment of great difficulty which comes on the eve of the important challenge of Agrigento, the Italian capital of culture”. Those of Fratelli d’Italia essentially point the finger at the other parties of the coalition, above all that autonomist grouping (the mayor’s own party, whose representative, as is known, is the regional councilor Roberto Di Mauro) accused of rejecting crucial measures on the basis of an attitude defined as “obstructionist, linked to an old way of doing politics”.

Micciché is thus invited to make the necessary decisions in the face of a situation that has become unsustainable, made up of intolerable political games. Those of the Brothers of Italy are threatening to leave, preferring to return to the polls. In Agrigento therefore political relations within the centre-right are now a powder keg, where everyone is against everyone and rags fly. It’s politics, you might say. Di Mauro’s friends seem not to like the fact that Micciché has such intense relationships with the Brothers of Italy.

The issue is certainly not based on jealousy. But the mayor seems caught in the jaws of political games. The consequences on the Budget forecast (without a Three-Year Plan it cannot be approved) risk being paid dearly. And Fratelli d’Italia seems to be referring to this when it hypothesizes a return to the polls. Because without a budget the council can be dissolved.

But the entire province could pay the price for this crisis in the center-right of Agrigento. Because on the eve of the capital of culture, in an area already decimated by a water crisis, everything would be needed except a political crisis. But on the other hand, it was also the same difficulties surrounding the issues linked to the Capital of Culture Foundation and other pressing issues (which include positions and the traditional ‘magic circles’ of politics) that generated the situation which culminated last night with the rejection of the three-year plan .

But if Agrigento fails, the entire territory also fails. Because the Ministry of Culture awarded a project that extended across the entire province, from Sciacca to Licata, including Lampedusa. Risking everything being thrown overboard, even if it is typical of our way of being, this time risks having bloody consequences to say the least for a social fabric that is only asking to grow.

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