The Paperdì Juvecaserta Summer Camp is starting at the Manzoni high school in Caserta


Juvecaserta 2021, led by principal Adele Vairo, has started its traditional Summer Camp at Liceo Manzoni.

The participating young basketball players are full of enthusiasm, with bright eyes and a competitive mentality, ready to make new friends. This camp represents a unique opportunity for basketball enthusiasts: a moment to improve their skills, but also to strengthen old friendships and create new ones, with the desire to compete and have fun at the same time.

Ciro Dell’Imperio, head of the youth sector of Juvecaserta 2021 and coordinator of the coaches and athletes who guide the young participants, welcomed the boys to the camp. Each participant received a personalized t-shirt with the logo of the Decò brand, a faithful sponsor of the Juventus club which actively supports youth activity and the main team.

“It’s inspiring to see so many kids taking up our sport. The hope – states President Farinaro – is that among them there may be future protagonists in the black and white jersey, but they certainly already are and will be even more so in the coming years, the first fans of our team. On these occasions the first rule is to have fun, but the presence of so many children and young people is further testimony to the role of Juvecaserta and the affection that surrounds the club.”

“Thanks, therefore, to our technical staff for their daily commitment, but special thanks go to Liceo Manzoni – which has activated, for the next school year, the new Scientific High School – Sports Section – and the its School Director, Adele Vairo – who has always been sensitive to the promotion of the educational and inclusive value of sport – who once again is a protagonist together with us, making the functional structures of the Institute available to us. It is also and above all from this synergy that the opportunity to give these young people four weeks of fun and sharing arises”.

The first week of the Summer Camp will end on Friday, offering young basketball players a series of targeted exercises and competitions to hone their skills to the maximum. Special events and surprising guests will make the experience even more exciting. But the emotions don’t end here! Starting from Monday 24th and for the following three weeks, the summer camp will become the undisputed kingdom of Juventus youth basketball.

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