“Fratelli d’Italia 1st party in Abruzzo, extraordinary result”

ABRUZZO. “Fratelli d’Italia in Abruzzo has achieved a result that deserves to be well illustrated especially to the people of Abruzzo who we want to thank for this umpteenth demonstration of trust. A result that was unthinkable until a few years ago and my thanks also go to our entire management class for the excellent work done so far”.

This is how the senator and regional secretary of FdI Abruzzo began this morning, Etelwardo Sigismondiin the press conference called to carry out the analysis of the vote in recent European and administrative elections.

“Brothers of Italy – Sigismondi said – wins the European elections with a percentage of 33.33%, the highest ever for our party in Abruzzo. In the southern constituency, to which we belong, Abruzzo has the highest percentage with approximately 9.75% more than the constituency average, and on a national scale our region is third after Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. Furthermore, if we consider – he argued – the increase of 5.66 percentage points compared to previous policies (27.67%), the result becomes extraordinary for us: it means that after twenty months of Meloni’s government, together with the work brought forward by the president Marco Marsilio, by the parliamentarians and by all the administrators and managers of the Brothers of Italy, our party does not stop its growth.

I point outand – added the Senator – that instead the centre-left parties, in the southern constituency, recorded a lower percentage in Abruzzo than the average for the same constituency and, in some cases, like the Democratic Party, even below the regional average. Fratelli d’Italia remains the first party in Abruzzo. Also to the administrative ones – he highlighted – the result of FdI was a driving force for the coalition and for the victory in the first round in the important cities of Pescara, Montesilvano and Giulianova, as well as the data of our candidates in many municipalities in the provinces. We have our feet firmly on the ground and we will continue to work concretely and seriously for Abruzzo and for Italy.”

Also present at the press conference were the parliamentarians and deputy regional coordinators, Guerino Testa and Guido Liris, the president Marco Marsilio, the regional councilor and councilor Umberto D’annuntiis and Luca De Renzis, the mayor of Città Sant’Angelo, Matteo Perazzetti, and the provincial coordinator of Pescara, Stefano Cardelli.

“It’s exciting to see the entire ruling class of Fratelli d’Italia lined up here today – he ccommented Cardelli – and I can say how proud the examination carried out for my province, starting from the birth of Fratelli d’Italia, makes me. After the last elections in June – he argues – we have the council groups of Pescara and Montesilvano, more numerous than Abruzzo, therefore going from 2% in 2014 to the current 27.5%, with peaks of 35% as regards the European elections. The most voted, both in Pescara and in Montesilvano and Città Sant’Angelo, are exponents of Fratelli d’Italia. Irrefutable data that attest to the central role of our party in administrations”.

Deputy Testa congratulated all the elected officials one by one, recalling how “in Montesilvano, Fratelli d’Italia was the first party to support the re-nomination of the newly elected mayor Ottavio De Martinis, and how in Città Sant’Angelo citizens have rewarded the seriousness and industriousness of the reconfirmed Matteo Perazzetti, with a note of merit for Lucia Travaglini who once again stands out as one of the most voted women in Abruzzo. Fratelli d’Italia confirms and expands its ruling class which is demonstrating that it is capable of taking on important responsibilities, especially in a complicated historical moment like the one we live in”.

“A moment of joy and pride for our nation and for our Abruzzo – said Senator Liris – we are giving continuity to a dream that is increasingly concrete, building a qualified ruling class. This is what Giorgia Meloni asked of us and what we are carrying out with consistency and stubbornness. In the province of L’Aquila, in four of the eight municipalities up for vote the centre-right mayoral candidate didn’t even have a competitor: Introdacqua, San Pio delle Camere, Santo Stefano di Sessanio and Trasacco, home of our councilor Mario Quaglieri. In Pacentro, after more than a decade of domination by the centre-left, the election of the mayor of the Fratelli d’Italia, Giuseppe Silvestri, deserves great attention. I want to proudly underline the result of 36.02% recorded in my province for the European elections, which compared to the 29% of the national one is certainly very flattering.

Also in Teramo – specified the Senator – great performances for FdI in several municipalities, including Giulianova, Campli, Atri, Colledara and Corropoli, the city of our other councilor Umberto D’Annuntiis. These elections – concluded Liris – they have shown that it is not true that after Giorgia meloni there is nothing, on the contrary we have women and men capable of eating the dust of the territory and of doing justice to ideas, history and above all capable of writing the future of this land”.

“It’s important – said President Marsilio – that our ruling class becomes aware of the work done and how much we still have to do. The movement of opinion that swells the sails and makes the game appear easier is above all consolidated by a very robust presence of rooting and contact. This is demonstrated not only by the personal results but also by the vote of the small towns: a province, such as that of L’Aquila – but the comparison is also valid for the other territories of Abruzzo – has 40 municipalities out of 108 which have demonstrated more than 40% of the consensus, about ten of which above 50%, a record in Cappadocia with 60%.

A fact that makes us proud – he continued – probably the result of the attention that we, together with the regional administration, dedicate to the internal areas, for the recovery of the livability of the so-called marginal places, of the very small centers which have also become the subject of important film shoots, such as those of Riccardo Milani’s film. I thank the parliamentary delegation, the mayors, the administrators all who are somewhere every day to continue to fertilize the relationship with the citizens. We are reaping the result that was supposed to arrive, it is not the flash of the moment, contrary to what happened with other national leaders. Our parliamentarians are interpreting the leadership function to the full, and I also highlight how we have been able to favor the unity of the coalition even on uncomfortable occasions”, concluded Marsilio.

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