“We recycle cell phones, we plant trees”: agreement in Turin between Amiat, Lions Club International and Leo Club Italia

“We recycle cell phones, we plant trees”: agreement in Turin between Amiat, Lions Club International and Leo Club Italia
“We recycle cell phones, we plant trees”: agreement in Turin between Amiat, Lions Club International and Leo Club Italia

Contribute to the ecological transition and improve the quality of the environment through an agreement that combines the collection and recycling of old telephone devices and the planting of new trees. These are the commitments contained in the cooperation agreement signed between Amiat Gruppo Iren, District 108ia1 of the Lions Club International, based in via Cialdini in Turin, and the LEO Club Italia.

The three-year protocol aims to promote, on the one hand, the diffusion of the culture of recovery and good practices to combat the incorrect transfer or abandonment of telephones and smartphones that have reached the end of their life, and, at the same time , commits the parties to engage in a virtuous mechanism to “transform” the commitment to the circular economy into a new green environment for the City of Turin.

Specifically, the agreement provides that Amiat will provide the Lions Club International District 108Ia1 with containers for the collection of these particular WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) which, positioned in the headquarters in via Cialdini, in the Cit Turin district, will allow the collection of old smartphones.

The initiative will also be supported by moments of in-depth analysis, during specific awareness and information meetings dedicated to Club members. Amiat will then be responsible for waste disposal and will undertake, for every 15 phones recovered, to plant, in collaboration with the municipal administration, a new tree on the city territory.

“The launch of this project confirms Amiat’s desire to spread the culture of sustainability for the benefit of the ecological transition, thus improving the quality of life of citizens to safeguard future generations – declares Paola Bragantini, President of Amiat Gruppo Iren – This partnership with Lions Club International and LEO Club Italia it will allow us to further develop our WEEE collection and recycling activities, also for the recovery of critical raw materials present in the devices, thus contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact resulting from their extraction in nature”.

“With this service, Lions and Leos emphasize the actions that all of us can do every day to improve the environment in which we live – recalls Michele Giannone, Governor of the Lions International District 108 Ia1 – a simple action such as correctly managing the disposal of obsolete equipment becomes a crucial issue for the long-term sustainability of life. In fact, starting from correct disposal we reduce the exploitation of new natural resources and at the same time reduce potential ecological problems. The second part of the service, thanks to the process of planting new trees, contributes to environmental restoration to give a better life to future generations. This year’s service, at a national level, has already seen the delivery of a few thousand mobile phones. To conclude, the entire project helps to create an active civic awareness that promotes a virtuous habit of recycling as a simple but fundamental step to safeguard the future of the Earth”.

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