Used school books and more. Giraskuola is active in Busto Arsizio

Used school books and more. Giraskuola is active in Busto Arsizio
Used school books and more. Giraskuola is active in Busto Arsizio

Also for the years 2024 and 2025 the Municipality of Busto Arsizio has made it available to the citizens Giraskuola platform, free for families, which allows you to exchange books and other school supplies.

By registering, you have access to a vast catalog of used textbooks and school materials. You can sell books, from middle school to high school volumes, and material you no longer use or find what you need from nursery schools to university.
The platform puts the buyer and the seller in contact, who independently define the terms of the purchase.

Using Giraskuola:
– save on the cost of school books,
– facilitate access to teaching materials,
– encourage reading and continuous learning among students of all ages,
– strengthen the sense of community. You can exchange not only books, but also ideas and experiences,
– reduce the need to produce new materials and reduce environmental impact,
– support the adoption of new technologies in education, preparing the community for a more digital future,
– spread social responsibility and conscious consumption.

The Municipality is always at your side, committed to building a stronger and more sustainable community. Thus we demonstrate our commitment to innovation and social responsibility by offering you services that not only enrich educational life, but also promote a more sustainable future.


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