Creativity and sustainability at the Diocesan Museum of Reggio Calabria

A summer of creativity and fun with “La Fabbrica dell’Arte”. It is the one that the “Aurelio Sorrentino” diocesan museum in Reggio Calabria is preparing to experience.

Diocesan Museum of Reggio Calabria, summer workshops begin

The appointment with summer activities aimed at younger people is renewed again this year. Between the month of June and Julythe museum rooms will be animated by a series of workshops dedicated to children and teenagers from 5 to 13 years.

Activities for children between 5 and 10 years old

The first appointment took place last Friday with the laboratory creative writing “Writers of yesteryear”. Children aged between 5 and 10 years they invented some stories using words and images inspired by the works exhibited at the “Sorrentino”. The program continues Friday 28 June, from 4pm to 7pm, with “Let’s weave history”.

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In this workshop, children will discover how a fabric is created and will have fun weaving warps and wefts, creating unique works of their own. The last appointment for the little ones is Friday 12 July, at the same time, with the workshop “In the workshop of Mastro toy”, focused on creative recycling. Participants will be taught to create toys from recycled materials.

Here’s what kids aged 11 to 13 will do

For the children aged 11 to 13the diocesan museum offers the laboratory “Create paper actions”dedicated to theme from the separate collection and possible strategies to reduce waste production.

TO KNOW MORE: Evangelizing through art, two days of studies promoted by the Pontifical Faculty of Naples

The workshop will be held on Wednesday 19th, 26th June and 3rd July from 9am to 12pm. The kids will create a sheet of recycled paper together and with it each will create their own work, helping to develop greater awareness of possible strategies to reduce waste production.

Creative workshops at the Diocesan Museum of Reggio Calabria, here’s how to participate

Participation in the workshops requires mandatory booking. For information you can contact the number 3387554386 or send an email toservizieducativi@museodiocesanor

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