Caserta, “Communications Law”: meeting at the Faculty of Political Sciences


The new paradigms of communication in the times of the infosphere will be at the center of the new meeting with the author which, as part of the “Faculty of Reading” cycle, is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday 17 June, starting at 10.30 am, in Liccardo classroom, at the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, which is based in Caserta.

On this occasion, the book “Communications Law” written by Vincenzo Franceschelli will be presented, with the collaboration of Enrico Maria Cotugno, who will be present at the event to dialogue with the various speakers and guests, welcomed by the director of the department, Francesco Eriberto d ‘Hippolytus.

The meeting will open with welcome greetings from the director of Political Sciences, followed by institutional greetings from Carlo Barbato, president of the Regional Communications Committee of Campania (Co.Re.Com.), and Diego Giannone, president of the course degree in Political Science and Institutional Communication from UniVanvitelli.

The interventions, moderated by the journalist Gianni Russo, will be held by fellow journalist Gabriele Bojano, by the president of and public communicator Luigi Gabriele, by the director of the Communications Authority, Enrico Maria Cotugno, while the conclusions will be entrusted to the author of the book Communications Law, Franceschelli, who will thus be able to explain the genesis, drafting and objectives of his legal text.

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