the employees chase the thieves, but are threatened with a knife

the employees chase the thieves, but are threatened with a knife
the employees chase the thieves, but are threatened with a knife

She was stopped and a couple was arrested in recent days in Piazza Mascagni in Florence: the 24-year-old Romanian and the 30-year-old Hungarian were accused of robbery aggravated misconduct in competition.

According to what was reconstructed by the State Police, the attack, which occurred in a market in via Baraccawould have been scored in two phases: in the first the couple would have taken from the store shelves a cooler bag and tongs; in the second, he would instead use these stolen objects to steal several items of clothing. The pliers would have been used to remove the anti-shoplifting plates from the clothes on sale, while the thermal bag to “shield” those that are not easily removable, thus evading the system and the anti-theft alarm at the exit of the store.

However, the protagonists of the story ended up arousing the suspicion of the store’s employees who, when they realized they had been robbed, began to chase thieves on the street to try to recover the stolen goods. At this point, based on what emerged, the 24-year-old allegedly threatened his pursuers with a switchblade, then trying to walk away together with the alleged accomplice. Even the 30-year-old would have played her part, throwing a bicycle at the market employeesfortunately without hitting anyone.

The police cars from the Florence Police Headquarters arrived within moments and immediately launched themselves into pursuit of the fugitives, who were stopped in Piazza Mascagni.

While waiting for the validation of the arrest, on the orders of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Florence, both ended up in prison Florentine prison of Sollicciano. The actual responsibility of the persons under investigation and the validity of the accusations against them must always be assessed during the subsequent trial and they are currently supported by a presumption of innocence.

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