Alfredo Camisa, a committed amateur. At Palazzo Bisaccioni in Jesi 36 shots by the Bolognese photographer of the Misa group

Alfredo Camisa, a committed amateur. At Palazzo Bisaccioni in Jesi 36 shots by the Bolognese photographer of the Misa group
Alfredo Camisa, a committed amateur. At Palazzo Bisaccioni in Jesi 36 shots by the Bolognese photographer of the Misa group

JESI The Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi Foundation, in the rooms of Palazzo Bisaccioni, presents the exhibition dedicated to Alfredo Camisa, an emblematic photographer in the post-war artistic panorama. Starting from 21 June 2024, you will be able to visit the exhibition promoted by the Foundation in collaboration with the Municipality of Senigallia and the Alfredo Camisa Photographic Archive, a precious opportunity to closely observe the shots of the Bolognese master. The exhibition “Alfredo Camisa.

A decade as an amateur engaged in Italian photography”, edited by Marta Camisa, Director of the Alfredo Camisa Photographic Archive, consists of thirty-six photographs from the collection of the Municipal Museum of Modern Art and Photography of Senigallia.


The shots are presented along the route collected in series: the visitor walking through the room will first immerse himself in the Stalls of Milan, passing through the Impressions of the South he will focus on Portraits, after a brief stop Behind the scenes of the Piccolo Teatro he will take a journey with Shots across the border, visiting the USA and Libya.

Born in Bologna, he arrived in the Marche thanks to the collaboration with the Misa Group, founded by Giuseppe Cavalli, where he became friends with Piergiorgio Branzi, Mario Giacomelli and Ferruccio Ferroni, contributing to the establishment of the Group’s historical archive. He approached photography because he was fascinated by art, he began by following the fashion of the time, disappointed by the monotony of the genre he felt the need to overcome the muffled still lifes; a strong avant-garde spirit was already showing in him.

The investigation

Camisa investigated man in his most intimate, humble and human aspects, avoiding any pietism. Her photography was a social commitment diluted by irony, its contrasts are the result of careful formal research in which all the components are measured with the precision of a chemist, which he was. His career as a photographer was a parenthesis, he photographed for about a decade, then stopped, embittered by the limitations of professionalism. So in 1961 he abandoned the practice, leaving a brief but indelible mark on the history of Italian photography. Entrance to the exhibition is free. Opening hours: Monday – Sunday 9.30am-1pm/ 3.30pm-7.30pm. Closed on August 15th.

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