Healthcare manager, towards many confirmations but there is the Catania puzzle for Schifani – BlogSicilia

Healthcare manager, towards many confirmations but there is the Catania puzzle for Schifani – BlogSicilia
Healthcare manager, towards many confirmations but there is the Catania puzzle for Schifani – BlogSicilia

Large reshuffle or surgical reshuffle. This is one of the biggest Hamlet-like doubts of the regional government after the European elections which, however, could be resolved after 26 June, the day on which the Review Court will decide on the ban from public offices of the former councilor for Agriculture and vice-president of the Region Luca Sammartino.

But first there is another puzzle to solve. And it is that of the appointment of healthcare managers. It will be discussed in the next few hours: today Monday 17 June during the council meeting convened for 3.30pm at Palazzo d’Orleans.

Almost everything has been decided, but a big doubt in Catania

Eighteen appointments of healthcare managers at stake between ASP, polyclinics and hospitals. Seventeen should be the confirmations of the current extraordinary commissioners chosen in January. A big doubt at the ASP of Catania. There is, in fact, the involvement of the current Asp commissioner Giuseppe Laganga Senzio in the investigations into Nemo Sud, the clinical center in Messina. There is the issue of how his position will be evaluated. The piece will almost certainly be put on standby while waiting for the investigation to be concluded.

Two solutions

There are two solutions. The first, technically less probable, is that the helm will be temporarily entrusted ad interim into the hands of another director. The second is for Schifani to appoint a new extraordinary commissioner, without prejudice to the designation of Laganga Senzio as general director, which would remain suspended. In this case, the man or woman should still be an expression of the League, given that the current commissioner was supported by the former Agriculture Councilor Sammartino, unless the result of the European elections also affects this mini risk , pushing Forza Italia or Lombardo’s autonomists – who together with the Cuffarians and Noi Moderati in Sicily received the highest percentage of support to fly to the European Parliament – to ask for the leadership of the Catania company.

After the healthcare manager issue, the reshuffle

What is certain is that once the issue has been resolved, President Schifani will have to think about resolving the biggest political knot, the reshuffle of his executive, with an eye on the decisions of the Councilor for Productive Activities and new MEP Edy Tamajo, who could remain in Palermo instead of leaving for Strasbourg, but aiming for another delegation: that of Economy, left by the other Forzista, Marco Falcone, who instead should certainly go to the European Parliament, or – according to well-informed centre-right voices – to that of Health, occupied today by Giovanna Volo, also involved in the investigation concerning Nemo Sud and the Messina Polyclinic, but “guaranteed” by Schifani until the proceedings have run their course, while the door remains ajar of the Department of Agriculture, and perhaps also that of the Department of Territory, where Elena Pagana, after the success of her husband, Ruggero Razza, at the European Championships, could relay with Giusy Savarino for internal balance within Fratelli d’Italia.

Meanwhile, to return to the healthcare front, while tomorrow’s council is also expected to approve the standard contract scheme for managers and the maintenance of the current positions of administrative director and healthcare director pending the definition of the procedure for appointing the new holders , from the regional Department of strategic planning announce that the “SovraCup”, the system designed to reduce waiting lists by putting together the Cups of the nine provinces but also the diaries for visits and medical tests in hospitals and affiliated private clinics , is now in the home stretch: in fact, the platform has been open for a few days and, although still in an experimental phase, it can already be used by patients. Full operation by the summer.

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