the hypothesis of an attack after a dispute in the nightlife venues

the hypothesis of an attack after a dispute in the nightlife venues
the hypothesis of an attack after a dispute in the nightlife venues

They found him on the side of the road, lifeless, in a pool of blood. His body showed clear signs of a brutal attack. Mario Carotenuto, 35 years old from Angri, in the Salerno area, was killed last night in the streets of his city. The incident occurred around 3am, at the intersection of via Procida and via Risi. The young man, a drug addict, lived not far from the place where he was found dead. According to investigators, he was struck several times with slashes, probably at the height of a dispute that took place in the Angri nightlife venues and degenerated into the street. It is not clear whether he was also hit by one or more gunshots. The investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Nocera Inferiore, were delegated to the Carabinieri of the Territorial Department of Nocera. According to an initial reconstruction, Carotenuto bled to death following the serious injuries sustained in the attack. No one helped him or alerted the police. When the police and 118 personnel arrived on site, it was too late for the 35-year-old.

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The investigations

According to investigators, he died within minutes: after the blows he received, he staggered for about thirty meters before falling to the ground. The Carabinieri of the Territorial Department of Nocera Inferiore, led by Commander Gianfranco Albanese, acquired all the images from the video surveillance cameras in the area in an attempt to obtain clues, any element useful for solving the case. Furthermore, in these hours they have listened to several people who may have seen or heard something. There are still several doubts to be resolved. It remains to be understood, for example, whether shots were also fired during the attack. No shell casings were found at the scene, but someone reported hearing the sound of gunshots. The investigators do not exclude this hypothesis, which however can only be ascertained with subsequent medical-legal tests which will tell whether the bullet was retained from the body. The deputy prosecutor Michele Migliardi has ordered the autopsy which will take place in the ‘Umberto I’ hospital in Nocera Inferiore, to whose morgue the body has meanwhile been transferred. It is also unclear whether Carotenuto was fatally attacked by a single individual or whether he was surrounded and shot by multiple people. Questions that the men of the force are trying to answer and, since tonight, have been working to reconstruct the dynamics, understand the motive – about which at the moment only rumors are circulating – and above all to give a face to those responsible. The memory entrusted to social media by the councilor for Social Policies of the Municipality of Angri, Maria D’Aniello, is touching. «Mario was a good boy with the misfortune of having met some ‘bad boys’ in his life. Let’s not misjudge this boy, he is a mother’s boy like everyone else, who paid with death for the wickedness and malice of a sick system.”


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