The dialogue between Italy and Mexico: “Stills of Peace” is coming – Shows

The dialogue between Italy and Mexico: “Stills of Peace” is coming – Shows
The dialogue between Italy and Mexico: “Stills of Peace” is coming – Shows

PESCARA. Rumbos de vida, an ideal map where Mexican artists – Francis Alÿs, Sara Leghissa, Francisco Mata Rosas, Monica Mayer, Rosa Maria Robles, Francisco Toledo, Antonio Turok, Teatro Ojo – explore the sense of the contemporary in a highly curated site-specific exhibition project by Giulia Palladini and Rodolfo Suarez Molnar for the 11th edition of Stills of peace and Everyday life, a review of contemporary art and culture promoted by the Aria Foundation, scheduled from 6 July to 8 September between Atri and Pescara. Italy and Mexico in dialogue on “Global Humanity” through the languages ​​of art. The search for an idea of ​​peace and meeting between men are the themes at the center of the historic event which every year casts a glance of knowledge on the world. This year Mexico, a country that enjoys a special place in the Italian imagination despite the tragic news that distorts everyday life as stated by the artistic director of the exhibition Giovanna Dello Iacono, «Global Humanity as an invitation to reflect on the sense of humanity» . “Rumbos de vida” is the project that kicks off the Contemporary Marathon (Ma.Co) scheduled from 6 to 8 September with openings spread between Atri and Pescara, venues of the four exhibitions, theater performances and “Cine Mexico ” in the three exhibition venues chosen: Cisterns of Palazzo Acquaviva in Atri (“Rumbos de vida” and the two exhibitions curated by Antonio Zimarino “Verso dove” by Bruno Ceccobelli and “Attraverso cosa” by Simone Camerlengo and Luciano Sozio), Archaeological Museum of Atri (“Sovralunare o celeste”, solo exhibition by Vito Bucciarelli curated by Mariano Cipollini), and the zerozero space on sea level in Pescara with the exhibition “Flânerie” by photographer Jill Hartley, curated by Paolo Dell’Elce. A project articulated in collaboration with the Municipality of Atri and the Municipality of Pescara, also remembering the 150 years of diplomatic relations which will occur in 2024, between Italy and Mexico as recalled by Roberta Vinciguerra, new president of the Aria Foundation. Many patronages obtained from the 2024 edition of the Stills of peace: Embassy of Mexico in Italy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Proyecto Fronteras, Istituto Cervantes Roma, Regional Council and Region of Abruzzo, University of Teramo and University of L’Aquila, Gabriele University D’Annunzio of Pescara and Chieti, Academy of Fine Arts L’Aquila, Center for books and reading and Dante Alighieri Society. The exhibition is carried out with the collaboration of international institutions such as the Mexican Ministry of Culture; Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Fondazione Toledo and Fondazione Tercas, Spazio Matta and a zerozerosullavorodelmare (these last two among the venues of the exhibition).

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