Padua weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 18 June

On Tuesday 18 June in Padua an alternation of weather conditions is expected, with partially cloudy skies during the morning and scattered clouds in the afternoon. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with maximum values ​​around 27.9°C in the early afternoon. Wind speed will generally be light, with gusts reaching 1 9.6km/h.

During the morningthe sky will feature scattered clouds with cloud cover varying between 64% and the 73%. Temperatures will be around 20.7°C at 06:00 and will gradually rise until they reach i 26.9°C at 11:00 am. The wind speed will be predominantly north-east oriented with intensity between 3.3km/h hey 5.7km/h.

In the afternoonthe weather conditions will tend to improve with the appearance of clear spells and a decrease in cloud cover, which will remain around 9% at 1:00 pm et al 2pm. Maximum temperatures will be reached around 2pm with values ​​around 27.9°C. The wind will blow mainly from the south-south-east with a speed of up to 8.3km/h.

During the eveningthe sky will be clear with a cloud cover that will settle around 6%. Temperatures will gradually drop, reaching i 19.8°C about 11pm. The wind will be light, coming from the north with a speed of around 1.8km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Tuesday 18 June in Padua indicates a day with variable conditions, characterized by scattered clouds in the morning and clearing in the afternoon. Temperatures will remain rather pleasant, with maximum values ​​around 27.9°C. It is advisable to pay attention to climate variations and consult weather updates for any sudden changes in atmospheric conditions in the next few days in Padua.

All the weather data for Tuesday 18 June in Padua

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