«We respect all the rules, never had any reports»

PADUA – Daniele Pagin, owner of Pepen and the Santa Lucia wine shop which overlook the central Piazza Cavour, is amazed. Amazed at the protests from residents of a condominium between the square and via Anghinoni, who turned to a lawyer for the music which, they claim, “is played at high volume from Wednesday to Sunday outside the premises but also inside”. Accusations for which they say they have collected evidence since last winter, handed over to the lawyer Nicola Camporese who reported the matter to the city authorities and threatened legal action.

Daniele Pagin, the reply on musical evenings

«I learned about the complaints from the press, personally none of the residents have ever turned to me with complaints about the musical evenings – begins Pagin –. They claim that I don’t have permits for musical events, but everyone is there, also because it would be serious to have even one evening without the necessary authorizations. Not only from a legal point of view, but also out of respect for my employees: if an inspection turns out we don’t have one, the premises could be closed.” Pagin explains that, for example, the permission to use musical entertainment until midnight only concerns two or three evenings a month, while on the remaining evenings the music stops at 10pm. «Sometimes I ask myself questions about public peace, too. which, on the rare evenings in which you are authorized to play music until midnight, is instead stopped between 10.45pm and 11.15pm at the latest – the owner points out -. As for the other evenings, the music stops strictly by 10pm, if not a few minutes before. It happened only once that there was still music playing at 10.03pm and I was fined. On the other hand, the local police comes by almost every evening to check and I have not had any other fines for exceeding the permit time. By stopping the music at 10pm there shouldn’t be any problems.”

The tenants of Palazzo Cavour Donà, on the other hand, maintain that the decibels greatly exceed what was allowed and in support of their thesis the lawyer cites the findings of a specialized technician, who would have detected the exceedances. The lawyer, with the supporting evidence collected from the condominiums, then turned to the mayor Sergio Giordani, the police commissioner and the police to ensure that the nocturnal disturbance is immediately stopped. Otherwise they say they are ready to proceed by turning to the Court.

Movida, the fight between residents and business owners

The protests are not limited to external music but also to that which comes from inside the premises. «It amazes me that the music coming from the venues is considered disturbing – concludes Pagin – these are two venues where people dine and the music it is therefore of only of background, subdued, otherwise it would make conversations between diners impossible.” The new controversy raised by the residents of Piazza Cavour is part of the age-old struggle between the locals, the administration and many residents who now protest daily about the out-of-control nightlife. Complaints that in a patchwork manner now affect many parts of the city: from Piazza dei Signori to Portello, from the vicinity of the Pride Village in Fiera to the nearby Parco della Musica and extending as far as Ponte di Brenta. The diatribe in Piazza Cavour was also immediately reported by “Stop degradation Padova”, a Facebook page that deals with reports on malamovida on a daily basis: «The administration seems to only care about arrogant shopkeepers, neglecting the needs of citizens and almost all of the city councilors is silent.” The fight between those who claim the right to night rest and decorum and those who frequent squares and clubs seems far from over.


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The Gazzettino

PADUA – Daniele Pagin, owner of Pepen and the Santa Lucia wine shop which overlook the central Piazza Cavour, is amazed. Surprised by the protests of residents of a condominium between…

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