Pesaro Hoteliers Association, Signorini in pole position. There are 26 nominations, here is the agenda to be submitted to the mayor

Pesaro Hoteliers Association, Signorini in pole position. There are 26 nominations, here is the agenda to be submitted to the mayor
Pesaro Hoteliers Association, Signorini in pole position. There are 26 nominations, here is the agenda to be submitted to the mayor
PESARO There is more than ever a presidential race for Apa hotel. You are facing an open challenge to find the new president of the association which has just been left by Paolo Costantini, who led it for three years. Hoteliers are an essential force in the tourism sector and a change in management is always an important and delicate phase. The fact that the situation was created precisely in conjunction with the election of the new administration opens up important scenarios.

The nominations

Roberto Signorini of Imperial Sport and Apa councilor, recalls those who are and will remain the fixed points of the association. «So far – reports Roberto Signorini – 26 proposals have been collected. The aftermath of Costantini promises to be a participatory challenge, a symptom that the Pesaro hoteliers need to count more even in the political decisions that the Administration will take and to feel represented. Last-minute proposals may however also be presented on the day of the election of the new president which will be by the end of the month, when the shareholders’ meeting will be called for the approval of the budget and the appointment of the president”. As for all the names, the Filippettis (father and son) are among the strongest, together with Alessandro Tomassini of the historic residence Villa Cattani Stuart, Roberto Gasparini of the Clipper hotel, Fabrizio Oliva, former president of Apa and Loredana Ceccarelli of the Delle Nazioni hotel. Obviously none of these proposals can currently count on unanimity of consensus. Few of the eligible candidates are unbalanced, even if Gasparini does not deny having received numerous incentives to run. «A demonstration of esteem and trust that honors me – he comments – and which certainly represents a recognition for my family».

Stimuli for Biancani

Meanwhile, hoteliers are looking to the new mayor. «We are here to do things – adds Signorini – our association wants to launch a series of stimuli to Biancani and his council. First of all it must be said that Apa also promotes abroad with its own resources, at the expense of each individual hotelier but with benefits for the entire city. This is why we expect, as tourism operators, a revision of the Regulation on the tourist tax and a better distribution of resources. Just as programming must be improved, compared to what the Municipality has done so far, scheduled earlier and in shorter times, already in September for the following summer. Priorities to be submitted to the new mayor, in addition to the redistribution of the tourist tax between promotion and reception and agreed with us hoteliers, we ask for a study to be commissioned for the structural enhancement and renovation (flooring, furnishings) of the seafront in the Ponente and Levante”.


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Adriatic Courier

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