Lnd Bergamo. Nicola Radici and three years of great news « Bergamo and Sport

Lnd Bergamo. Nicola Radici and three years of great news « Bergamo and Sport
Lnd Bergamo. Nicola Radici and three years of great news « Bergamo and Sport

On the occasion of the award ceremony and recognition of all the Bergamo teams winning the championships, Nicola Radicibid farewell from the role of provincial delegate of the KJV of Bergamo (role he held since 2021). Work commitments and family problems did not allow the delegate to devote the necessary time to the delicate task. Precisely due to the annual duration of the role, Radici will officially leave the role, without causing succession problems, on 30 June, handing over the baton to Roberto Mazzoleni. The president of the CRL Sergio Pedrazzini and the regional councilor Gianlauro Bellani have entrusted the outgoing delegate with a new role, that of assembly delegate of the Lombard regional committee which will act in Rome. Relevant and stimulating role that will leave more time for Nicola Radici’s personal needs. During the Calcio Bergamasco Gala, we had the opportunity to have a chat with Nicola Radici to summarize these years.

Radici, how can you summarize this experience as a delegate? “It was an innovative experience, I was catapulted into a new role, despite having spent my whole life in football, I would never have thought of entering the federation sector. It was all sudden, in that November 2021, from one day to the next, I went from being vice president of a Spanish team to having to hold the position of NLD delegate for my province. It was also a learning experience, I learned a lot; a complicated adventure with great responsibility because it was something I had never dealt with and especially in the service of my province. I always felt the pressure of not being able to make mistakes, which was perhaps my salvation. If my balance can be considered positive, I owe it to this meticulousness which forced me to always remain lucid and concentrated”.

Click here from six on Monday morning to read the entire interview and see the photo


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