Beaches up for auction: compensation trouble breaks out – Pescara

PESCARA. Beaches up for auction, another trouble breaks out. The Quirinale has asked the Senate to withdraw the amendment to the Cohesion Decree on compensation for outgoing beach businesses which is seen as a good parachute by operators in the sector. But the proposal, presented at the end of May by the League, was deemed by the Presidency of the Republic to be too foreign to the contents of the decree. The group leader Massimiliano Romeothe first signatory of the amendment, however announced that the League: «Will not withdraw anything».
Thus he revealed in preview, a few days ago, Seaside World, the most followed information site in the category. In the meantime, the roundtable on maritime state property, which had been convened for June 12th at Palazzo Chigi, was canceled the evening before and at the moment there is no new meeting in sight.
The League’s initial proposal – he writes Seaside World – provided that, in the event of tenders for concessions, any new successor would grant the outgoing operator compensation «corresponding to the corporate value of the company in the area covered by the concession», calculated by an expert appointed by the outgoing concessionaire, to whom the right of first refusal is also reserved in the event of an equal offer. But the proposed amendment had already been deemed partially unworkable by the presidency of the Fifth Budget Committee of the Senate, which is examining the provision in recent days. Following the re-elaboration, in the Northern League amendment – the online information site continues – only a generic indication remained on the “commercial value” of the bathing establishments, which should be taken into account in the mapping of the maritime state property on which the Presidency is still working of the Council, in the sense that it has not yet made it official through a real regulation.
In fact, the Meloni executive seems to be at a standstill on the issue of seaside resorts. Just as is also happening in Abruzzo where the Region, as they say in football jargon, for now throws the ball into the stands.
«Let’s say that we are working to find a solution in agreement with the central government first of all to safeguard the current season and then give all the necessary tools to the Municipalities because they will have to organize the tenders», is the diplomatic response of Nicola Campitelli, regional councilor of Fratelli d’Italia with responsibility for maritime state property. From the opposite front, however, the voice of the mayor of Fossacesia rises, Enrico Di Giuseppantonio, just re-elected at the helm of the coastal municipality, who draws the Region’s attention to the commitments made before the last electoral round. When Anci Abruzzo asked for a meeting with the president Marcus Marsilio and with the 19 mayors of the Abruzzo coast, from Martinsicuro to San Salvo, to start a unitary work process between all the bodies involved and to verify together which rules to follow in the application of the rules envisaged and reiterated by the recent ruling of the Council of State, which establish that the deadline for the derogation of beach concessions was 31 December 2023.
For this reason it was decided to establish a technical committee composed of technicians from the Region and the Municipalities, waiting for the Government to decide on the matter. The meeting took place on May 20th at the headquarters of the Abruzzo Region, in Piazza Unione in Pescara. But since that day almost a month ago not even a grain of sand has moved. (lc)

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