Viareggio, children attacked with helmets at the Balena Il Tirreno factory

Viareggio, children attacked with helmets at the Balena Il Tirreno factory
Viareggio, children attacked with helmets at the Balena Il Tirreno factory

VIAREGGIO. Three fourteen year olds in hospital injured by helmet blows near the Balena bathing establishment, in via Modena, the back of the Passeggiata. Witnessing what happened is the commander of the Proto Captaincy, Silvia Brini: «One of our teams was going to carry out an inspection at the Balena bathroom. As soon as they entered, in the space between the Promenade and the entrance to the bathroom, they saw a boy fall to the ground and four others who started beating him with their helmets. As soon as the boys saw the uniforms they disappeared. The Captain’s Office remained to assist the boy on the ground while waiting for an ambulance and the police.”

Once on site, the rescuers transported three 14-year-olds in need of medical attention to the emergency room of the Versilia hospital due to the traumas they received from the blows they received with helmets, on the head, neck and arm. Gods were needed for the boy who was injured in the head stitches.

Also on site were the staff of the Viareggio state police station, who will be responsible for the reconstruction of yet another brawl in Passeggiata. Those who investigate have the task of reconstructing whether or not some of the protagonists of yesterday’s attack are the same as those in the brawl three Sundays ago between the beach and Passeggiata, and the attack on Viale Europa.

The context

Episodes that arise from nothing: all you have to do is find yourself crossing paths with the wrong guys to find yourself in the hospital. As happened last week to the three Pisan kids who just wanted to spend time on the Darsena beach. While they were walking about their business, the three were attacked by about ten boys who got off a bus.

Those who were on the walk yesterday afternoon, and saw ambulances, state police cars and personnel from the Captain’s Office arrive, expressed concern, amazement and at the same time anger at the fact that there is no possibility of stopping these young people who seem to have found as a pastime that of attacking, without a real reason, peers who just have the misfortune of finding themselves in their path.

«I saw a boy covered in blood», is the testimony of Piero Bertolani, president of Confcommercio Viareggio and trader of the Passeggiata, in the stretch most frequented by young and very young people: «What struck me», continues Bertolani, «is that they were very young people, aged 13 to 14, no more.”

The back of the Passeggiata, in particular the point of via Modena near the long-closed Balena, is a stable meeting place for very young people. The closure of the restaurant and bathing establishment makes it a sort of free port, “occupied” only by kids.

What raises alarm regarding yet another episode of violence between young people in the city is the fact that helmets were used to attack and cause harm. A scene, the one described by Commander Brini, which immediately brings to mind the tragedy that happened in Via Coppino, on Halloween night in 2014.

Tragedy that cost the life of Manuele Iacconi, 34 of Piano di Mommio, massacred with helmet blows on a pavement by a group of young people, minors and just adults (today all convicted), until he was reduced to the point of dying, after a month of agony, at the Livorno hospital. L

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