Stop for the purchase of Hermoso, Napoli aims for a jewel from Real Madrid

Stop for the purchase of Hermoso, Napoli aims for a jewel from Real Madrid
Stop for the purchase of Hermoso, Napoli aims for a jewel from Real Madrid

Negotiations for the purchase of Mario Hermoso have stalled, Napoli are evaluating the alternatives and a player has emerged who could arrive from Real Madrid.

The transfer market summer is slowly coming to life, with contacts between clubs, agents and players becoming more and more intense. The Naples is preparing to be a major protagonist of the session which will officially begin on July 1st, even if negotiations have in fact already begun.

One of the objectives followed by the Neapolitans is Mario HermosoSpanish defender who has just released himself fromAtletico Madrid. His purchase, however – reports today’s edition of The morning -, appears to be on stand-by due to some problems related to the agreement on salary and commissions. Here is what is highlighted:

“However, the Italian club’s surveys for the defensive department do not stop. He’s always in the sights Mario Hermosobut he’s not the only one. Negotiation with the experienced Spanish defender not renewing with Atletico Madrid It’s cooled down a bit. Probably also because of the high employment demands (and of commissions) by his entourage.”

Problems for Mario Hermoso, Napoli targets Rafa Marin from Real Madrid

The Naples does not stop and is still evaluating all the players available on the market, in order to give to Antonio Conte all required reinforcements. So – he reports The Corriere del Mezzogiorno – the attention of the director Giovanni Manna has moved on to a young talent of real Madridthat is to say Rafa Marincentral defender born in 2002 who played the last championship among the ranks ofAlaves. Here is what is highlighted:

“Defense is Napoli’s priority as they evaluate whether to attack Hermoso, considering the overall investment between engagement and commissions to intermediaries. Manna continues to explore the Spanish market, Rafa Marin is also in Napoli’s thoughts for the rearguarddefender born in 2002 owned by real Madrid who last season played on loan atAlaves“.

Rafa Marin, new target for Napoli (LaPresse)

Antonio Conte he asked for at least two or three reinforcements in defense, excluding those who are already in the squad. The intention of Aurelio De Laurentiis is to satisfy the requests of your coach, but the cornerstone always remains the same: making purchases that do not undermine the health of the company’s coffers. Therefore, before biting off more than they can chew with some purchases that perhaps aren’t too convincing, Napoli will make all the necessary assessments.

Latest Napoli transfer market, what if the Dragusin track reopens?

Furthermore, opportunities that may arise suddenly cannot be ruled out. For example, one of the footballers followed for some time by Naples – and who would be perfect to fill the role of left arm in Antonio Conte’s three-man defense -, is Radu Dragusin. The Romanian, known very well by Manna, moved to the club just a few months ago Tottenham, where however he had little space. It cannot be ruled out that the lure and charm of being able to be coached by Conte could lead the centre-back to want to return to Serie A.

Article modified 16 Jun 2024 – 1.22pm

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