Turin-Vanoli, green light: final details

TURIN – «There have been steps forward, we are here. We will announce the new coach soon». Signed Urbano Cairo. On Friday evening the president spoke out about the exhausting negotiations between the Turin and the Venice to free Vanoli from the one million clause which until now has not allowed him to start working for Toro. And the good news, the one that increases optimism in the Granata house, comes from Eusebio By Francesco. The technician from Abruzzo, after hours of reflection, opted for the project of the Venetians over that ofEmpoli: sports director Filippo convinced him Antonelli. The official announcement is expected in the next few hours, with the former Frosinone coach signing a two-year contract. At that point, Venezia will have to release Vanoli and Taurus will be able to announce it. The Venetians, as we know, had begun the discussion by raising the barrier of unavailability to negotiate. They only wanted money, the money he had agreed upon to let the coach leave after the championship.

And paper sang: 500,000 euros if the team stayed in B series, one million in case of promotion. For this reason all the proposals were rejected Vague: the onerous loan with right of redemption and counter-ransom of the twenty-year-old right back Ali Dembelewho Venezia would like to keep for at least another season, the offensive wildcard Krisztofer Horvarth22 years old, and the permanent transfers of Demba Seck or Yann Karamoh at sale prices.

Toro-Vanoli, Di Francesco at Venezia

Cairo’s technical director had put several choices on the table and in recent days he did the “impossible” to reach a positive conclusion. To date, all these attempts have fallen on deaf ears, given that the coach is officially still linked to Venezia. Venice which, however, as mentioned at the beginning, has already blocked Di Francesco, the coach of the Frosinone also pursued by Empoli to replace Davide Nicholas after his yes to Cagliari. However, despite all these entanglements, the situation is still on standby. For a little while, though. Tomorrow, following the instructions of Cairo and the Di Francesco track, the white smoke could finally arrive. The decisive meeting will be held in Milan with the presence of Urbano Cairo. Vanoli is naturally excited, she can’t wait to start working for the new company.

Vanoli, the contract with Toro

Also because there is a month to go until the start of Pinzolo’s training camp and in thirty days Vagnati will have to complete as many market operations as possible to allow the coach to have players to his liking: Vanoli, among other things, must talk to those who remain and, why not, call and convince the players with whom he aims to open a winning cycle in grenade after the three years of Juric, in which Toro improved but did not take off towards prestigious positions. The Conference, in fact, would have arrived only thanks to the Florentine. Little, too little to consider these last three years satisfactory. See you tomorrow then. With the hope that it will be the right time. Toro has no time to waste, probably not even Venezia, who have locked down Di Francesco but can’t close yet. The certainty, however, is that Vanoli will be the new coach of Torino, whatever the cost.

He agreed on a two-year contract with an option on the side for another championship at one million per season plus bonuses in the event of Europe or the conquest of the Italian Cup. In short, everything has been packaged, all that’s missing is the signature – which in these cases is not a detail – and then Vanoli can be presented to the Granata people.

Cairo on Good morning:

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