Baby girl dies in hospital, doctors investigated for manslaughter

The investigations, entrusted to the prosecutor Francesco Pizzato, continue in the utmost confidentiality on the little girl of not yet three years of age who died on the night between 10 and 11 June at Beauregard hospital.

The file opened by Prosecutor’s office passed to known, that is, there are doctors under investigation, even if their number and identity are not known. The alleged crime is manslaughter.

Having received the notice of investigation, the doctors under investigation will be able to take part with their consultants in the autopsy ordered by the prosecutor’s office and scheduled for tomorrow morning, Monday 17 June. The Turin pathologist will carry it out Giovanni Botta.

Baby girl dies in hospital, autopsy next week

June 14th – 12.42pm

The Prosecutor’s Office decided: an autopsy will be carried out on the two-year-old girl who died at Beauregard in the early hours of Tuesday 11 June. The assignment will be formalized between today, Friday 14th, and tomorrow, Saturday 15th, by the pm Francesco Pizzato, owner of the file, with the expectation of carrying out the exam at the beginning of next week. Among the specialists identified by the investigating office to answer the question on the causes of the little girl’s death is the Turin pathologist Giovanni Bottawho however will not be alone, but supported by other specialists.

The file was opened shortly after the news of the death, with the hypothesis of manslaughter. The investigations are conducted in confidentiality and At the moment, no suspects have been registered. In addition to the professionals investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office, consultants from part of the family will be able to take part in the autopsy (assisted by the lawyer Davide Sciulli) and of people possibly subjected to investigations (even though the autopsy assessment is also a viable option with an “unknown” file).

At the same time, the investigators continue to investigate the material acquired. The medical record, which contains the child’s “history” in hospital, is one of the salient documents of the story, but he is not the only one on whom Via Olietti turns his attention. The reports of the doctors involved and the therapies given to the little patient are under the magnifying glass of the Prosecutor’s Office, which seeks answers to the questions on the table.

“We have little data to provide an explanation,” the health director of the Aosta Valley Local Health Authority told reporters on Monday. Mauro Occhi. The little girl had entered the emergency room for the first time around 4 in the night between Sunday 9th and Monday 10th last May. She was experiencing retching and her situation was “managed by the pediatrician on call”. After rehydration, and finding that she had “remained conscious, in good condition”, with an apparent reduction in vomiting episodes, she was sent home.

Not, however, without the indication to return to hospital if the situation is not resolved. Which happens at 5pm on Monday the 10th, when – were the words of the head of paediatrics Paolo Serravalle – “the parents preferred to have her re-evaluated”, because the little girl’s abdominal pain had not stopped. The approach, in this case, was to keep the patient under observation: not only is she subjected to more extensive rehydration therapy (intravenous), but blood gas and swab tests are also carried out.

“Late in the evening” on Monday, Occhi explained, “we experienced an acceleration of the situation”. It is no longer just the paediatricians who intervene, but also a resuscitator, then together with a second colleague from the same specialty. The situation worsened around 1.30am, while 3am was the time of death. According to the Local Health Authority “a complete resuscitation was carried out, also with the use of drugs”. Means that evidence of the problem the little girl was suffering from had been achieved by doctors? The investigation will have to find the answer to this and other questions. The family members, who have lodged a complaint, hope for a quick turnaround.

Little girl died in hospital, the Prosecutor’s Office opened a case

June 12, 2024 – 11.46 am

The death of an almost three-year-old girl, which occurred in the early hours of Tuesday 11 June at the Beauregard hospital, has been the subject of attention of the judicial authorities since the news emerged, and is now a matter for the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The office headed by the prosecutor Luca Ceccantiwhich the little girl’s family members also addressed by filing a complaint, has a case has been opened, with the hypothesis of manslaughtercurrently formulated against unknown persons.

Investigations have been underway since yesterday afternoon, which will guide the investigation in the next few hours evaluation of the performance of the autopsy examination on the little girl. The parents and grandparents of the little girl, at the moment, make it known that they trust – represented by the lawyer Davide Sciulli – to the investigations underway by the investigators, in the hope that light will be shed on the entire situation that led to the death of his daughter and granddaughter.

Little girl dies in hospital of currently unknown causes

11 June 2024 – 1.03 pm

Occhi and Serravalle
The director Occhi (on the left) and the head physician Serravalle.

The autopsy was requested by the Local Health Unit of the Aosta Valley to ascertain the causes of the death of an almost three-year-old girl, which occurred in the early hours of Tuesday 11 June, at Beauregard hospital, for reasons currently unknown. The incident was announced this morning by the health director Mauro Occhi and by the head of the pediatric department Paolo Serravalle. At the moment, for the two health managers, “we have little data to provide an explanation” and “for us it is a tragedy”.

According to what the Director explained, the little girl entered the pediatric emergency room around 4 in the morning between last Sunday and Monday. He presents retching and his “condition is managed by the pediatrician on call”. “It was a question – adds Occhi – of making sure that her vital parameters were positive. In the emergency room she was “subjected to observation, evaluated”. She “remained conscious, in good condition”, she played and was “administered hydration therapy”, the first concern in cases of repeated vomiting.

“It seemed already at the first visit – underlines the head physician Serravalle – that the situation was improving. Also to what my mother said, The vomiting episodes seemed to be reducing”. Therefore, the little girl is “sent home, with instructions to return” if the condition persists, or if “it worsens”. At 5pm on Monday 10th, “her parents preferred to have her re-evaluated”, returning to hospital, because the episodes had not resolved.

In this case, explains the Health Director, “a blood gas analysis was done” and the little girl, also subjected to a swab, “was kept under observation”. At a subsequent blood gas check, an intravenous rehydration therapy is set, more substantial than that decided in the previous consultation. “Late yesterday evening – continues Occhi – we have experienced an acceleration of the situationwhich was not only addressed with the pediatric specialist, but also with the resuscitator”.

At 3am on Tuesday the 11th, death occurred. The Local Health Authority is “waiting to receive all the reports from the technical experts” who intervened and “already tonight, psychological support has been made available to parents and relatives”. The little girl, according to Doctor Occhi, “he had no predisposing data in his history”. The head physician Serravalle pointed out that “a complete resuscitation was carried out, even with the use of drugs”. While waiting to have more information on what happened, company leaders said, “we are concerned about supporting the family”.

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