Ballot in Florence, no agreements for the Democratic Party. With Schmidt comes the Ribella civic list

Today the deadlines for declaring affiliations with i expire ballots For the election of mayors, and in Florence the deployments are made. Except for last-minute surprises, which are always possible in politics, Sara Funaro will not make any comparisons and confirms her Pd-led coalition, while Eike Schmidt announced yesterday the affiliation with the Ribella Firenze civic list who nominated Francesca Marrazza and obtained 0.55% of the vote, a thousand votes.

Center-right front

The centre-right candidate’s announcement arrived yesterday morning, then Schmidt took a walk in Campo di Marte, where the Ribella Firenze list was born, meeting the citizens and explaining his idea of ​​sending the tram on the railway tracks and not on the avenue of the Thousand. «During the election campaign I appreciated Francesca’s energy and desire for change and those who supported her candidacy – explained Schmidt – Ribella Firenze fought with courage and an authentically Florentine spirit. We are united by the desire to change the face of our city, recover the damage committed by the Democratic Party and defend Florence from wicked choices that will devastate entire neighborhoods, starting from the Campo di Marte.”

The civic list therefore joins Lista Schmidt, Fratelli d’Itaia, Lega and Forza Italia, with the difficult objective of overturning the first round and recovering the 18,000 vote deficit from Funaro.

Center-left front

After Stefania Saccardi’s personal endorsement for the Democratic Party candidate, nothing is moving on the centre-left front. Even yesterday Funaro reiterated the verses “addressing the citizens, the Florentines”, responding to those who asked him what will happen if Italia Viva is in opposition in Palazzo Vecchio having not given any indication of voting for the centre-left: «Today we are focused on June 23 and 24. From the next day, if I am mayor, we will address all the issues».

Self Italia Viva did not give any indications, after Saccardi the former senator Andrea Marcucci, leader of the Lib Dems who were aligned with the Renzian candidate, also did so yesterday: «My advice to the Florentine voters who voted for Stefania Saccardi in the first round is to choose without doubt and without uncertainty Sara Funaro, as Saccardi will do.”

To the left of the Democratic Party

To the left Dmitrij Palagi he reiterated that it would be “difficult for our supporters to vote in the run-off if the Democratic Party were to support Italia Viva”, while there would be no formal contact between the Democratic Party and M5S. For her part, Cecilia Del Re confirms her desire to place Firenze Democratica in opposition in any case.

In the square

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party continues its work mobilization and gazebo yesterday, stands and leafleting were organized in all neighborhoods, from Viale Fanti to the Franchi stadium, to Piazza Dalmazia, from Isolotto to Piazza Annigoni and Piazza Bartali. “At the sea? We will only go there after June 24th, San Giovanni. And we hope we can go there happy” said the city secretary of the Democratic Party, Andrea Ceccarelli.

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