Tourism and sustainability with cycle paths in Reggio Calabria

Despite the controversies linked to design errors, Reggio Calabria focuses heavily on cycling infrastructure.

Reggio Calabria tips on “cycle paths”

Reggio Calabria invests in “cycle paths” to promote sustainable mobility and ecological tourism. With the councilor for public works, Francesco Costantino, we take stock of the ongoing projects and, in particular, the financing lines relevant to his sector, which also include some sections of the Magna Grecia cycle route and other interventions planned in the municipal area .

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The creation of some sections of the Magna Grecia track is among the most ambitious projects linked to the redefinition of the city’s cycling infrastructure, as they would fully fall within the more complex and articulated tourist circuit of which the city of the Strait is a stop and point. hub of two itineraries: one that continues in Sicily, the other that goes up along the Tyrrhenian ridge, arriving in Basilicata. A cycle route that winds along the Ionian coast, crossing ancient archaeological sites and unique natural landscapes.

The completion times of the route

The intervention, part of a larger regional initiative, aims to complete a cycle network by 2026. Currently, in-depth studies are underway by the political and technical bodies of the municipal administration to define the executive details of the route, the completion is expected by June 30, 2026.

The route that corresponds to the Magna Grecia cycle route, however, is not the only one to be at the center of the implementation of the interventions planned in the municipal area of ​​Reggio Calabria linked to urban cycling mobility. Two important sources of funding support these interventions: the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) and the National Operational Program (Pon) Metro 2014-2020.

The “urban cycle routes”

The first intervention called “Urban cycle paths” is divided into two lots. It envisages, explains Costantino, «the creation of 18 km of new cycle paths by 2026, with a total financing of approximately 4.5 million euros». Currently, the works of the first lot (for a spending commitment of over 1.2 million euros), which affect the areas of Pentimele, Ponte della Libertà-Università and Reggio Sud, are suspended.

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A technical and supplementary variant appraisal is currently being defined which incorporates the indications of local stakeholders. It will also have to take into account any observations on the executive methods that emerged during the execution of the works.

Then there is, as mentioned, the second intervention called “Bikes in the city Bike lines”. The executive project financed with 750 thousand euros from Pon Metro involves the creation of a municipal network of cycle lanes. The works, already contracted and underway, cover various urban sections of the city center and the northern area, including Via Roma, Via Monsignor De Lorenzo, Via Georgia, Via De Nava, Calopinace-Central Station, Via Italia and Via Esperia.

Design errors and the work to overcome critical issues

However, some executive criticalities have led to the suspension of work, with an imminent service order for the resumption and correction of the deficiencies found. The need for technical variations and the acceptance of the observations made by citizens have so far been fundamental in guaranteeing the revision of the project in order to make it functional. The municipal administration is working intensely to overcome the executive shortcomings that have emerged and highlighted.

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The commitment is to provide the city with an efficient and safe cycle network that is inserted in a broader context of sustainability and valorisation of the territory, like the best European cities. In short, after the controversies of recent months, we are trying to implement the appropriate corrective measures. And the meeting held two weeks ago between the organisation’s technicians and politicians, which served to direct the interventions, goes precisely in this direction.

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