“Agreement on the issues and the future of the Municipality”

If the 5 Star Movement has chosen the path of freedom of conscience for the call to vote in the Mirandola runoff on 23 and 24 June, the deployment of the four center-left lists that supports Carlo Bassoli and the civic list + Mirandola, led by Giorgio Siena , they preferred to seal with the partnership agreement, which will be filed this morning, an understanding that will see them united in the second round. With this agreement which brings a potential 1,452 votes represented by the new ally, the candidate Bassoli has an advantage over his centre-right opponent Letizia Budri, who a week ago had trailed Bassoli by 774 votes. “The voters – Bassoli explained yesterday – have clearly indicated that they do not want the right and the current council does not emerge victorious from the first round. The voters have also clearly indicated to us … ‘the two of you must talk to find points of agreement’ We found the points of agreement because there were no radically different visions even on the programs. We therefore effortlessly implemented the themes of the historic city, the themes of the merger of the municipalities, and above all we shared a vision of the municipal machine capable of put the Municipality back at the service of the citizens. Now we have 5 years to demonstrate that politics has the obligation to listen and implement actions”.

For its part, Siena was keen to remind us that “We have reached the point of signing a partnership pact, but the challenge is not yet won, even if after having faced a path in which we have been in competition, there comes a moment in which the competition it must be overcome and we must all enter into the idea of ​​cohesion”. By virtue of this agreement, if victory went to Bassoli, the centre-left majority would find itself having the support of 10 councillors, 7 Pd and 3 from the +Mirandola list. The other forces of the coalition are excluded from representation, for Mirandola with Stefano Toscani, Action with Calenda for Mirandola, Sinistra Civica for Mirandola, which however could find valorization both in the composition of the municipal council and with the involvement in other bodies and appointments.

The establishment of a youth council is also foreseen within the first 100 days. And the project illustrated by Siena also looks to young people, who will be deputy mayor in the event of victory, “to recover from the perspective of the positive relationship with the world of work all available youth resources, addressing the issue of school dropout which in Italy has worse than elsewhere. Mirandola – concluded Siena – must be a pioneer for the area of ​​a new project that recovers these young people”.

Alberto Greco

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