5 thousand in the streets for LGBTQIA+ rights

There were around 5 thousand of them on Saturday afternoon in the city center for the Bergamo Pride 2024: a colorful and festive parade, in defense of everyone’s rights, which started from Piazzale Marconi at 4pm and wound along viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, viale Roma, via Petrarca, Largo Belotti, Largo Gavazzeni, viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, via Tiraboschi, via Paglia, via Bonomelli and via S. Giovanni Bosco, arriving at Olmi park at Malpensata around 6pm.

Leaving behind the controversies that preceded the event, with the Municipality having revoked the patronage after the request not to carry Israeli flags in the streets, in the square it was just a day of request for attention, sensitivity and rules that do not discriminate against people and the LGBTQIA+ communities: also among the participants Marcia Marquisesoutgoing councilor of the Gori council, the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party Gabriel Judgesthe city one Alexander De Bernardisthe provincial councilor Romina Russian and the candidate of the 5 Star Movement in the last elections Victor Apicella.

The mayor was absent from the parade Elena Carnevaliwho after having participated in the Graduation Day at the University in the morning, dedicated herself to political commitment and work for the composition of the new Council, but who nevertheless wanted to be present at the LGBT Village at Malpensata.

Present were the Young Democrats of Bergamo, who renewed their convinced participation in the demonstration: “Intersectionality is part of the values ​​of a left, ours, which wants to be representative and credible for those who experience difficulties and discrimination – they underlined verbally of the provincial secretary Lorenzo Lazzaris -. The fragmentation of struggles into watertight compartments is impossible and counterproductive. Let’s make this year’s theme our own – the body – in all its contexts. From respect for the individual autonomy of one’s own body, access to abortion and gender affirmation treatments, up to access to healthcare without prejudice and discrimination, but also through the need to remember those bodies scattered among the rubble and affected by bombs, in Palestine, in Ukraine, in Sudan, in Yemen, in Myanmar and in all the countless theaters of war today. We will always continue to reiterate the importance of intersectionality and condemn the practice of rainbow-washing in all its contexts, both commercial and war. It will not be a thin veneer of inclusiveness that will divert attention from the crimes of those who supply weapons or perpetrate genocide.”

Among the new features this year, however, was the delegation from Spi Cgil, the pensioners’ union, which attended with a float with the emblematic slogan: “Grandma doesn’t care who you make love with, as long as you don’t get cold” .

“This year in particular it seems even more important to us to support the initiative, because the attack on rights by the right in Italy and throughout Europe is increasingly evident and brazen – he commented Annalisa Columbus of the provincial secretariat of the CGIL – The latest choice of the Meloni government, on May 17th, not to sign the declaration for the promotion of European policies in favor of the LGBTQIA+ communities is significant of an attitude that leaves less and less space for people’s rights. Only the latest in chronological order, because right from the start the government expressed itself in a penalizing way on same-parent families: we recall the appeals by the municipalities, following a circular from the Ministry of the Interior, of the birth certificates of children of families made up of two mothers or the continuous attacks on gender education which we consider fundamental to promote and enhance diversity, mutual respect and the fight against stereotypes. We would like to remind you that the CGIL of Bergamo demonstrates its commitment throughout the year through the support offered with the SOS Iride Center against violence and gender discrimination, hosted in its facilities, in via del Nastro Azzurro”.

“We come from a generation that fought for women’s rights and for greater freedom for everyone, but which perhaps did not know how to do enough in the fight against homophobia – he explained Augusta It will pass, general secretary of Spi-Cgil Bergamo -. It’s never too late. Today we see our grandchildren at the forefront of this front. We want them to know that they can love who they want and that they can be who they feel they are, and that the CGIL pensioners walk with them on the path towards full recognition of everyone’s rights”.

Upon arrival at Olmi Park, a large stage, convivial moments and a Fast Track point awaited the demonstrators which guaranteed an anonymous and free test for HIV+ in just a few minutes.

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