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Trento weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 17 June

The weather forecast in Trento for Monday 17 June they predict a day characterized by significant climatic variations. In the morning, they will be there scattered clouds with cloud cover around the 51% and temperatures that will remain around +23.2°C. The perception of temperature will be similar, with a sensation of +23.4°C. The wind will blow lightly from Southwest at a speed of 1.2km/h. The humidity will be of 67% and the atmospheric pressure of 1017hPa.

During the morning, weather conditions will tend to worsen with an increase in cloud cover and the appearance of light rain at about 1:00 pm. The probability of precipitation will be 40% and an accumulation of is expected 0.12mm rain. Temperatures will remain around +26.1°C with a perception of +26.1°C. The wind will increase slightly in intensity, always coming from South – South West.

In the afternoon, precipitation will continue with light rain until to 5pmwith a probability that it will reach the 60%. Temperatures will drop slightly, settling around +25.2°C. The wind will blow by South at a speed of 9.6km/h. Humidity will increase at 63%.

In the evening, the situation will improve with scattered clouds and cloud cover around the 42%. Temperatures will drop further, reaching +22.4°C. The wind will blow by South at a speed of 5.8km/h. Humidity will increase at 82%.

In conclusion, Monday 17 June in Trento will be characterized by a start to the day with scattered clouds and pleasant temperatures, but precipitation in the form of light rain is expected during the morning and afternoon. However, towards the evening the weather will improve with a decrease in precipitation and a reduction in cloud cover. It is advisable to pay attention to climatic variations during the day and bring an umbrella in case of rain.

All weather data for Monday 17 June in Trento

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