Gela weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 17 June

The weather forecast in Gela for Monday 17 June they predict stable and sunny conditions for most of the day. In the morning, the sky will be clear with light cloud cover, while in the afternoon and evening the sky will be completely clear, without clouds.

During the morningtemperatures will remain around +25°C, with a light breeze coming from the West. Humidity will be around the 60-65% and the atmospheric pressure will remain at 1015hPa.

In the afternoontemperatures will rise slightly, reaching i +27°C. The wind will always blow from West – South West, with a speed that can reach i 32km/h. Humidity will be maintained around the 60-65% and the atmospheric pressure will be stable 1013-1014hPa.

In eveningtemperatures will drop slightly, but remain pleasant around +24°C. The wind coming from the South – South East will be lighter, with a speed of around 15km/h. The humidity will increase slightly, reaching the 70-75%while the atmospheric pressure will remain at 1015-1016hPa.

In conclusion, Monday 17 June in Gela promises to be a day with ideal weather conditions for carrying out outdoor activities, thanks to the clear skies and pleasant temperatures. The weather forecast for the next few days indicates a maintenance of atmospheric stability conditions, with temperatures remaining at similar values ​​and generally clear skies.

All weather data for Monday 17 June in Gela

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