Ilaria Salis has returned home, Feltri’s lunge: “Not heroin but lucky”

Ilaria Salis has returned home, Feltri’s lunge: “Not heroin but lucky”
Ilaria Salis has returned home, Feltri’s lunge: “Not heroin but lucky”

Ilaria Salis arrived home in Monza after a car trip with her father Roberto from Hungary. This was the first news launched on the debate table by Sabrina Scampini in the last episode of Stasera Italia. The 39-year-old, detained for 16 months in prison and 20 days under house arrest in Budapest, returned to Italy this afternoon around 7pm. “A nightmare is over”, declared her father Roberto. Guest in connection with the broadcast studio, Vittorio Feltri expressed his opinion on the case of the new MEP. “When someone gets out of prison, it’s always a pleasure because I know what the prison conditions are like”, began the editorial director of Il Giornale. “In the case of this lady, I don’t think I can consider her a heroine, but a very lucky one who was pardoned by a left-wing party, by the Greens who snatched her from prison. She never paid the rent on her house He has a debt of 90 thousand euros. I don’t think his behavior has always been worthy of praise,” he said.

Read also: Ilaria Salis returns to Italy, Dalla Chiesa: “Here’s what her father wrote about Fratoianni”

“I think his record is not wonderful, given that Salis had three or four convictions,” he recalled. At that point the presenter shifted the focus of the conversation to the G7 and the hot topic of abortion. Commenting on today’s front page of La Stampa, Feltri stated: “In my opinion, Italy does not hold back rights. The debate on abortion is much simpler than how it is presented. The thing that is never said is that the abortion is forced. To avoid getting pregnant, a woman has a thousand tools. These words are in agreement with what Prime Minister Meloni herself clarified during the final press conference of the summit. “Totally artificial” controversy: this is how the leader of FdI defined it.

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