Messina. Change in hydrofoil timetables to Reggio Calabria: vigorous protests from commuters

The establishment of a committee of commuters from the Strait to ask the Federconsumatori CGIL of Messina to protect the interests of its associates is the epilogue of the inconvenience caused by the change in the departure times of the Liberty Lines hydrofoils on the Messina-Reggio Calabria route and vice versa.

From today, in fact, the morning runs from Messina are expected to be brought forward at 6.25 and 7.15 compared to the times in force until yesterday of 7.00 and 7.30, with the cancellation of the Saturday run from Reggio Calabria at 1.45pm.

In this way, it becomes probable that the 7.15 Messina hydrofoil will welcome all the numerous commuters both 7.00 and 7.30, with imaginable work inconveniences for those who are unable to find a place.

Today, the first day, it was not possible to test the efficiency of departures from Messina, as on Saturdays there are significantly fewer workers commuting between the two coasts compared to the other days of the week.

Although there was not a good start, given the breakdown of the hydrofoil at 6.25am, to which the company promptly found a solution, having the travelers move onto another boat, which reached Reggio Calabria with a little delay.

Today, however, complaints were registered from those who, after their shift, had to return from Reggio Calabria, who were forced, without little difficulty, to ask their employer for a time change to take the 12 o’clock hydrofoil. .20 and avoid waiting for the one almost three hours later, given that the next ride is scheduled for 3.10 pm.

Without neglecting the problems that concern arrival connections with other means of transport, it can be said that they are inconveniences which, added to those inherent to traveling by sea, commuters – some have been for decades – are not willing to accept also because deemed avoidable through a discussion between the carrier company and user representatives, such as that requested by the CGIL Consumer Federation to avoid unrest and disputes.

(photo from the Internet)

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