Hebdomada Papae, the Latin Gr of 15 June

Vatican news in Latin, with translation into Italian, broadcast every Sunday at 12.30. In summary, the Pope: let’s not forget the countries at war, we need peace. Francesco: Rome universal city, the Jubilee better decoration and services. The Pontiff to the priests of Rome: extending welcome to all

The fifth décimo mensis Iúnii anno bismillésimo vicésimo quarto

Pope: Ne Natiónum bello laborántium obliviscámur, pace egémus.
Francíscus: Roma urbs universális. Iubilǽum decus áugeat et óblica pública.
Pontifex sacerdótibus Urbis: Accéptio ómnibus dilatánda est.

Salútem plúrimam ómnibus vobis auscultántibus núntios Latínos dicet Amadǽus Lomonaco.

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In Audiéntia Generáli Papa adhortátus est, ne obliviscámur Natiónum bello percussárum, elátius íterans: «bellum, iam inde a primo die, clades est semper». Report Alexander De Carolis:

Novus mónitus Papæ pro pace: «Ne obliviscámur vexátæ Ucráinæ neque Palæstínæ, Isräélem, Myanmar et tot Natiónum, quæ bello labórant». «Dóminus – autumávit Póntifex in Audiéntia Generáli – præstet nobis virtútem ad decertándum semper pro pace». Of him in catechesis íterum Francíscus Papa éxtulit cunctam Scriptúram a Deo inflári atque adhortátus est ad Evangelium nobíscum feréndum: id perlégere, ait Papa, res magni moments est vitæ. «When the accident – ​​confirmávit deínde Póntifex – ut locus quidam Scriptúræ, qui tótiens sine peculiári ánimi afféctu legimus, aliquándo cum viscéribus fídei atque oratiónis legámus, ac textus ille tunc repénte illuminátur et nobis effátur».

Francíscus Pope of the tenth month Iúnii prætérito Capitólium invísit atque recordátus est históriæ Romæ. Report Maríus Galgano:

In Romæ cords, urbis scilicet, cui vocátio est ad «universalitátem», quae domus est Papæ et imperatórum, Francíscus Papa – a Præfécto Urbis Robérto Gualtieri accéptus – quæsívit, ut Urbs persevéret manifestáre «verum vultum suum» hospitálem. Visit acta est semester ante Iánuæ Sanctæ pateftiónem, quae est inítium Iubilǽi. Administratóres Urbis versus, Póntifex – qui e pérgula Capitólii prospéxit – ásserit: «próximum Iubilǽum multum faciéi Urbis prodésse póterit, meliórem eius effíciens decórem atque industrióra óblicæ utilitátis, non way quod ad óppidum pértinet, sed etiam médiæ urbis et suburbiórum fovens proximitátem» . Pope concludes: «Inæstimábilis thesáurus cultúræ atque históriæ, qui super colles Romæ recúmbit, honos et onus est civitátis eiúsque moderatórum atque se conveniénter augéri et observári exspéctat».

Praised on the tenth first month of the Pope Francis of the Salesian Pontifical University ad conveniéndos presbyteros ab undécimo usque ad undequadragésimum sacerdotális ordinatiónis recenséntes annum, qui tértius et últimus est ex convéntibus Romæ ab i pso hábitis cum clero Almæ Urbis, mútuo institúto diálogo, obserátis iánuis, de re pastoráli ac de præséntibus. Pope principality osténdit acceptiónem apud parœciás ómnibus patefaciéndi, nullo excépto.
Hæc habúimus, quæ referrémus. Cétera eventúra próxima hebdómada. Valéte!

Notitiae Vaticanae Latin income
June 15, 2024

The Pope: let’s not forget the countries at war, we need peace
Francesco: Rome universal city, the Jubilee better decoration and services
The Pontiff to the priests of Rome: extending welcome to all

A warm welcome to all of you from Amedeo Lomonaco and welcome back to listening to the news in Latin.

At the general audience the Pope urged not to forget the countries at war. And he underlined that “war is always, from day one, a defeat”. The service of Alessandro De Carolis:

The Pope’s new appeal for peace: “Let us not forget the tormented Ukraine, let us not forget Palestine, Israel, let us not forget Myanmar and many countries that are at war”. “May the Lord – the Pontiff hoped at the general audience – give us strength to always fight for peace”. In the catechesis Francis underlined that all Scripture is inspired by God and urged people to carry the Gospel in their pocket: reading it, he said, is important for life. “It can happen – the Pontiff then stated – that a certain passage of Scripture, which we have read many times without particular emotion, one day we read it in an atmosphere of faith and prayer, and then that text suddenly lights up, speaks to us” .

Pope Francis went to the Capitoline Hill on June 10th and recalled the history of Rome. The service of Mario Galgano:

In the heart of Rome, a city with a “universal” vocation and home of Popes and emperors, Francis – welcomed by the mayor Roberto Gualtieri – asked that the City continues to show “its true welcoming face”. The visit took place six months after the opening of the Holy Door which will begin the Jubilee. Addressing the municipal administrators, the Pontiff – who also looked out from the balcony of the Capitol – stated that “the next Jubilee could have a positive impact on the very face of the city, improving its decorum and making public services more efficient, not only in center but favoring the rapprochement between the center and the periphery”. “The immense treasure of culture and history nestled on the hills of Rome – concluded the Pope – is the honor and burden of its citizens and its rulers, and awaits to be adequately valued and respected”.

Last June 11, Pope Francis went to the Salesian Pontifical University to meet priests from 11 to 39 years of ordination. It is the third and last of the meetings in Rome with his clergy, also characterized by a back-and-forth behind closed doors on pastoral issues and current affairs. The Pope indicated a priority, that of broadening the welcome in the parishes to everyone, without excluding anyone.

That’s all for this edition, see you next week.

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