Giuliacci’s weather forecast

According to the weather forecast by Colonel Mario Giuliacci on, there will still be rain and bad weather in Italy, especially in the Center and North due to the delay in the arrival of the African anticyclone on our country: “The weather will be disturbed even at the beginning July, we will have to wait until the first half of the month for the first real heat wave of the season.”

“At least until the first half of July temperatures will be normal and especially in the Center and North the temperatures will prevail disturbances and bad weather. Then, around July 15th, thanks to theAfrican anticyclonewe will face the first real one wave of heat of the summer season throughout Italy”.

These are the colonel’s predictions Mario Giuliacci, meteorologist and operations director of, who a explained what we should expect from a meteorological point of view in the next few days, when a large part of our country will still be dealing with rain And bad weather, before welcoming the first real African heat wave of the summer by the first half of July, when many will already be preparing for the vacation.

Why the phase of bad weather continues in Italy and how long it will last

According to Giuliacci, “this disturbed weather that has been characterizing Italy for days will continue until mid-July, especially in the Center and North. This means that compared to past years, the heat situation will be more manageable”.

Where the first heat wave of the summer will arrive and how long it will last: Giuliacci’s weather forecast

The reason is explained by the meteorologist himself: “We have been saying since May that the African anticyclone is late compared to what happened in past years. This is due to the fact that the anticyclone is pushed towards the northern hemisphere by rainy monsoons North Africans, who follow the sun and tend to move northwards in summer. But these winds are also late, because the waters of the Gulf of Guinea they are warmer than normal. And since on the waters of the Gulf of Guinea there is ahigh pressurethis means that the latter is weaker and pushes the monsoon winds with less force, which are delayed for this reason and also cause the delay of the African anticyclone”.

When the first heat wave of the summer arrives with the African anticyclone

Consequently, Giuliacci added, “without the anticyclone the disturbances Atlantic have a greater chance of reaching the Mediterranean. Since last weekend we have been experiencing a rainy phase that is moving to the Center and South. Then between July 2nd and 3rd another disturbance will arrive and so on until July 7 or 8, with stop and go between good weather and rain especially in the Center and North”.

The expert concluded by stating that “between 9 and 15 July the Atlantic disturbances will begin to reach Italy with more difficulty but the temperatures will still be normal or slightly rising. However, there will not be a real heat wave but they will still prevail fresh Atlantic currents with showers And temporal, mostly in the afternoon and in the central north. Then, around mid-July, everything changes: the African seems to have the energy necessary to embrace all of Italy and we will face the first truly long African heat wave.”

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