Reggio Calabria, the conversation of the Anassilaos Association

Reggio Calabria, the conversation of the Anassilaos Association
Reggio Calabria, the conversation of the Anassilaos Association

Two scholars engaged in different fields of research, Greek literature and Roman law, whoAnassilaos Cultural Association involved in his project “The perception of the Ancient” created jointly with the Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria and the Pietro De Nava Library. “The explosive force of the tragic genre between classical antiquity and contemporary staging. Tradition and Practice” will be the topic of the conversation that Prof. Auretta Sterrantino will hold Tuesday 18 June at 5.30 pm at the MArRC.

Who is Prof. Auretta Sterrantino

As of 2016, the Prof is a professor of History of Theater and Tragic Staging at the ADDA, Academy of Art of Ancient Drama of the INDA Foundation (National Institute of Ancient Drama) which takes care of, among other things, the performances of Syracuse, as well as a research fellow at the Catholic University of Milan (Classical Philology) and collaborator of the Hermes research group of the University of Malaga (Spain) and of the Mitografias research group of the University of Aveiro (Portugal).

The intervention is configured as an attempt at analysis aimed at highlighting the key elements of the Attic tragic genre from a dramaturgical point of view and at reflecting on how these were expertly identified to enter into dialogue with the Athenian public to whom the original representations – pieces of a broader festive-ritual context – they were revolts. A further step of the reflection will be aimed at understanding how these founding elements – identified starting from the texts of the works and the essential reflection of Aristotle (although for us a small piece of a much broader and difficult to interpret picture) – enter into dialogue with stage practice and contemporary performative languages, also in light of the early twentieth century tradition which determined its recovery in relation to the complex dimension of staging, redeeming its value from the mere literary dimension to the much more complex one of theatrical language.

The speech by Prof. Donatella Monteverdi

The topic is quite different from that Prof. Donatella MonteverdiAssociate of Roman Law and Ancient Rights at the DiGES – Department of Law, Economics and Sociology of the Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, will instead address Thursday 20 June at 5pm in the Giuffrè Hall of the Pietro de Nava Library “The Auctoritas augustea: tignum iunctum?/ The foundation of power in ancient Rome between libera res publica and the Augustan principality”. A reflection on the point of law on how Caesar Octavian, later Augustus, with extreme care and prudence bent the institutions of the ancient res publica, using the institutions that it provided for (the tribunician power for example), to lay the foundations of that personal power , secretly “monarchical”, from which the Empire would arise. An event from many centuries ago repeated several times throughout history. The meeting at the MArRC will be preceded by greetings from the Director Dr. Fabrizio Sudano and the speech from Prof. Mariangela Monaca (DICAM Messina) and Prof. Amos Martino, Head of Anassilaos.

The meeting

The meeting in the library with the greetings of Dr. Daniela Neri, Head of the De Nava Library and the speech of Dr. Fabio Arichetta, Coordinator of the meetings “The perception of time between Ancient, Modern and Contemporary. A role in both events will be played by Domenico Colella, ancient scholar and craftsman. At the Museum he will hold a small workshop during which the public present will be able to create the face of Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy, for themselves. In the library he will give the Roman law scholar a reproduction of sestertius “Augustus Pater Patriae” which is very significant for understanding the dynastic politics of the emperor.

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