The philosophical summer of Ancona | Adriaeco

Three very interesting events scheduled for the upcoming summer by the Festival of Plural Thought, conceived way back in 1996 by Giancarlo Galeazzi and today led by Antonio Luccarini, which offer further “paths of love” (as the title of this year’s event sounds) in which numerous qualified speakers have already participated. The meetings constitute the final phase of what is currently, with its 27th edition, the longest-running festival dedicated to philosophical thought in Italy. Now it is the turn of three very different figures with whom we want to offer unprecedented stimuli for a reflection which is aimed, as always, at the general public, interested in exploring topics that are on the agenda of the current cultural and philosophical debate. They are Alberto Maggi, Roberto Mancini and Diego Fusaro, who will be presented from time to time by Antonio Luccarini, who will also coordinate the free interventions of the public.

Entrance is free until seats are filled.

First meeting, Monday 17 June in the Auditorium of the Mole Vanvitelliana, at 7.00pmwill follow the conference Roberto Mancini, The 4th July and that of Diego Fusaro, The July 24, both in the evening.

This year’s theme “Paths of Love” – ​​the organizers recall – was chosen precisely to draw attention to the task we all have to face, with reflection and meditation on the vital energy that comes from the forms of Love, times like those of the present, unfortunately tragically affected by furious winds of war. Given the complexity and importance of the problem analyzed in this edition, the festival was enriched this year with numerous collateral segments such as book presentations, meetings dedicated to the relationship between art and philosophy, a very crowded photographic exhibition, which accompanied the traditional conferences of the most authoritative voices of thought present in Italy. To confirm the plurality of thought that our event aims to achieve, we add, in this final part, the last three conferences entrusted respectively to the words of Alberto Maggi, recently cited also by the pontiff Pope Francis, Roberto Mancini and Diego Fusaro.



ALBERTO MAGGI he was born in Ancona on 6 November 1945. He is a religious of the Order of the Servants of Mary. After studying at the “Marianum” Theological Faculty, at the Pontifical Gregorian University and at the Ecole biblique et archéologique of Jerusalem, since 1995 he has directed the “Giovanni Vannucci” Biblical Studies Center in Montefano (Macerata), where together with his brother Ricardo Perez Marquez he dedicates himself to the dissemination of biblical studies through meetings, publications and radio and television broadcasts. He hosted the program “The Good News is for everyone!” for Vatican Radio.

In addition to his biblical and theological publications for the Cittadella publishing house, we remember the following volumes from the same publishing house: Starting from the broken pieces. Divorced problem. Reflections, research, perspectives (2001); How to read the gospel (and not lose faith) (2004); The courage to change. Without illusions, censorship, prejudices (2004); What if God rejects religion? (2005); Good news about God. Beyond false images, (2010); The madness of God. The Christ of John (2010). He also published with Fazi: Dangerous verses. Jesus and the Scandal of Mercy (2011); Our Lady of Heretics. Story of Mary of Nazareth (2016); he is co-author of the following volumes: Fear of loving in the most problematic contexts. Reflections, research, perspectives (2002); The conversion of vouchers, (2004). Finally, let us remember The Last Beatitude. Death as fullness of life (Garzanti, 2017); Where is the Church going? The spirit of truth will announce to you the things to come (In dialogue, 2017). For their anthropological and biographical significance, we recall some recent volumes published by Garzanti: Who does not die sees himself again. My journey of faith and joy between pain and life (2013); Nowadays. A hymn to life to rediscover the joy of every day (2018); Two in conduct. My life as a street boy and servant of Mary (2019) with Who doesn’t die we see each other again tells of his experience of illness; with The Last Beatitude he tries to give death a natural dimension of the path of life; with Two in Conduct narrates his life starting from when he was a child in the period following the war.



ROBERTO MANCINI was born in Macerata on 28 December 1958. He graduated in Philosophy (with honours) from the University of Macerata in 1981; he specialized in philosophy at the University of Urbino in 1983 and obtained his doctorate in 1986 at the University of Perugia. He is full professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Macerata, where he was also president of the degree course in Philosophy, and vice dean of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy. He also teaches human economics at the Academy of Architecture of the University of Italian Switzerland in Mendrisio. He is director of the series “Orizzonte philosophicalo” and “Tessiture di laicità” (Cittadella). In 2009 he received the “Zamenhof – Voices of Peace” award from Ancona.

He has published numerous books, which can be distributed into three main areas. The following works are dedicated to hermeneutics: Listening as a root (ESI, 1995), in which he illustrates the “dialogical theory of truth”; The gift of sense (Cittadella, 1999), in which he reflects on “philosophy as hermeneutics”; Silence (Qiqajon, 2002) as the “way to life”;); The service of interpretation (Il Pozzo di Giacobbe 2010), in which he presents “models of hermeneutics in contemporary thought”; The frontiers of hermeneutics (Castelvecchi 2018) to “interpret global society”; He has dealt with religion in the volumes: Promised Humanity (Qiqajon, 2009), in which he poses the problem of “living Christianity in the age of globalization”; Desire the future (Pazzini, 2009), in which he reflects on “Christian faith and the unity of human hope”; The sense of faith (Queriniana, 2010), in which he proposes “a reading of Christianity”; For a faithful Christianity (Cittadella, 2011), in which he hypothesizes “the gestation of the new world”; The non-violence of faith (Queriniana, 2015), in which he reflects on “the humanity of Christianity and the mercy of God”; Experiments with freedom (F. Angeli, 2017) on “self-awareness and transformation of existence”; Transforming life (Romena, 2019) to “move from resignation to freedom”; The volumes concerning society are: Existence and gratuitousness (Cittadella, 1996), in which he clarifies the “anthropology of sharing”; Sense and future of politics (ibid. 2002), in which he hypothesizes the transition “from globalization to a common world”; Good reciprocity (Cittadella, 2008), in which he takes into consideration “family, education, school”; Secularism as a method (ibid. 2009), in which he clarifies “reasons and ways to live together”; For another politics (ibid., 2010) with the invitation to “choose the common good”; The Logic of the Gift (EMP, 2011), in which he offers some “meditations on the society that he believed to be a market”; The logic of evil (Rosenberg & Sellier, 2012), in which he deals with “critical theory of society and ethical rebirth”; From desperation to mercy (EDB, 2012), in which he proposes to “get out of the global crisis together”; Heretical Ideas (Terra di mezzo, 2009), in which he presents “the culture of gift and the service economy for a new anthropology”, Solidarietà (Mimesis, 2017) in which he presents “an ethical perspective”; Utopia (Gabrielli, 2019), to move “from the ideology of change to the experience of liberation”; Here we particularly highlight the books: The sense of time and its mystery (Pazzini, 2005) and Political love (Cittadella, 2005).



Photo Lapresse – Omar Abd el Naser
03/15/2017 – Milan, Italy
Live broadcast of the March 15th episode of La Gabbia, hosted by Gianluigi Paragone
In the photo: Diego Fusaro
Photo Lapresse – Omar Abd el Naser
03/15/2017 – Milan, Italy
Live from La Gabbia, at 15/03/2017
In the picture: Diego Fusaro

DIEGO FUSARO was born in Turin on 15 June 1983. He obtained a degree in Philosophy of History (with honours) and subsequently a master’s degree with a thesis in History of Modern Philosophy at the University of Turin. After obtaining a PhD from the “Vita-Salute San Raffaele” University of Milan in Philosophy of History, he was a fixed-term researcher in History of Philosophy at the same University from 2011 to 2016. He is currently a professor at the Institute of Advanced Strategic and Political Studies of Milan. Since 2000 he has been the curator of the website. He is co-founder of the cultural association and magazine “L’Interesse Nazionale”. Since 2018 he has been the owner of the Lampi del pensiero column on and of the weekly column La ragion populista on “Il Primato Nazionale”, the magazine of the “Casa Pound” movement.

Among his works we highlight: Welcome back Marx! Rebirth of revolutionary thought (Bompiani, 2009); Be timeless. Acceleration of history and life (ibid., 2010); Minimum mercantile. Philosophy and capitalism (ibid., 2012); The future is ours. Philosophy of action (ibid., 2014); Antonio Gramsci. The passion of being in the world (Feltrinelli, 2015); Europe and capitalism. To reopen the future (Mimesis, 2015); History and awareness of precarious employment (Bompiani, 2018); The new erotic order. In Praise of Love and Family, (Rizzoli, 2018); Marx idealist. For a heretical reading of historical materialism (Mimesis, 2018); The night of the world. Marx, Heidegger and technocapitalism (UTET, 2019); Glebalization. The class struggle in the time of populism (Rizzoli, 2019). Other works worth mentioning are: from the initial one The Pharmacy of Epicurus. Philosophy as therapy of the soul (Il Prato, 2006) to Courage (R. Cortina, 2012), from Pensare Otherwise. Philosophy of dissent (Einaudi, 2017) to Defending who we are. The reasons for Italian identity (Rizzoli, 2020). Here we particularly highlight the book: The new erotic order. In praise of love and family (Rizzoli, 2018).


Graduated in Philosophy, teacher at the Master’s Institute, Scientific High School, Classical High School, Polytechnic University of the Marche, in Ancona, journalist for the newspapers “Il Messaggero” and “Corriere Adriatico”, Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Ancona, member of the Foundation ” Teatro delle Muse” of Ancona, member of the Ministerial Commission for the Single Fund for Entertainment, “FUS” of the Ministry of Culture in Rome.

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