The Alma and the new course. We also hope in Serfilippi

The Alma and the new course. We also hope in Serfilippi
The Alma and the new course. We also hope in Serfilippi

Calm in the Alma house where the president Salvatore Guida is apparently working to pay off the debts of the season just concluded and also the previous ones left by the former president Mario Alessandro Russo which would be included in the “package” for the transfer of ownership of the company in via Toscanini. Among the most urgent debt positions to be paid are those relating to the emoluments to be paid to players who have several monthly payments left over. More than two thirds of the team has yet to be liquidated by president Guida and in this list there are the players who have the most financially onerous deals, in particular the older players such as captain Urbinati, the goalkeeper Guerrieri, the forwards Gonzalez and Padovani and several others. Not to mention the last Granata coach Manolo Manoni.

Guida has said on more than one occasion that he intends to resolve the issue before the deadline of June 30th, the deadline for obtaining the necessary releases for registration in Eccellenza and for the presentation of the request for repechage in Serie D, but the Fano fans, every As each day passes, they are increasingly worried about the fate of Fano. For this reason they look to the new municipal administration that emerged from the elections of 8 and 9 June last, also in light of the fact that in the electoral campaign all three mayoral candidates, and therefore also the newly elected Luca Serfilippi, had promised their direct interest to revive the fortunes of the historic Granata club. Youth football.

Real Metauro won the 16th edition of the “Luciano Eusebi” Memorial for the Rookies category currently being held on the Rosciano pitch of the Granata Academy. The Metaurense team defeated the rookies of the Granata Academy in the final 3-2. The tournament reserved for Pulcini, born in 2015, took place this week. Women’s football. Women’s football in Fano, played by the Granata Academy, is today relaunched by the Carissimi 2016 club. starting next July at the Gimarra field in via Cena training and selections will take place to form an 11-a-side women’s football team Furthermore, from 25 June until 25 July, every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm to 7.30pm at the Gimarra pitch, there will be free trials for all girls aged 6 and over to learn how to play football. . And if you bring a friend, a gadget as a gift for both of you. For info: Francesca 380.4344286. sil.cla.

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