“Campo di Marte is not safe for ASL staff and users”

“Campo di Marte is not safe for ASL staff and users”
“Campo di Marte is not safe for ASL staff and users”

“Violent arguments, drug dealing, drug taking, muggings, raids by the police. This is the reality that the ASL employees who work in the Department of Prevention and the vaccination center live in Campo di Marte” thunders Gianmaria Acciai, provincial secretary of the FP CGIL. “A situation that is not new and was known to the ASL Tse when it decided to transfer these services to this area”. “The company’s administration – recalls Acciai – had undertaken to guarantee the safety of the workers at that site, and consequently of the users, through a surveillance service and the installation of a bell. Measures that were revealed to be insufficient and which are fueling the concerns of those who work in these services. The staff feels left alone to supervise a degraded urban and social environment, in which the rules of civil coexistence seem suspended”. Acciai contests the company’s response to the union requests: “The claims that the ASL is not called to answer for what happens outside the building are unacceptable. We do not intend to wait for the outcome of this surreal social experiment carried out at the expense of the workers of the public health service and as FP Cgil of Arezzo we ask that the protocols signed by the general director D’Urso with the prefecture to combat attacks on healthcare personnel be updated, strengthened, but above all implemented”.

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